

来源: 易伯华教育







Researchers claim that ittakes 10,000 hours of practicing to truly master a complex skill.That's theequivalent of practicing something---a musical instrument,asecond language,a sport---for eight hours every day for three and a halfyears.Given the required level of commitment and effort,it is worthconsidering the value of mastering a complex skill.

Perspective One

Dedication to a goalgives purpose and order to life.The determination and persistence requiredshape us into strong people and are rewards in themselves.

Perspective Two

Mastering a skill may beworth effort for someone,but most people need variety and fun in their lives.It's important to be a well-rounded and relaxed person.

Perspective Three

Find something you aregood at and stick with it.By default,you will achieve mastery.It will notrequire special character and effort.








一切没有依据的建议都是空中楼阁,翠花,上依据!下面是题目的essay task,再给大家分析一遍,看看你有没有忽视掉要求里的关键信息。

Essay Task

Writea unified,coherent essay in which you evaluate multiple perspectives on theincreasing presence of intelligent machines.In your essay,be sure to:

•analyze and evaluate the perspectivesgiven

•state and develop your own perspectiveon the issue

•explain the relationship between yourperspective and those given

Yourperspective may be in full agreement with any of the others,in partialagreement,or wholly different.Whatever the case,support your ideas withlogical reasoning and detailed,persuasive examples.

Essay task里的要点总结如下:你要在论述中联系题目的观点,并进行分析,但是你要做的还是论证你的观点。这就意味着,对于你同意的观点,可以转述一下作为你的分论点;对于你不同意的观点,可以放到让步内容中去写,或者简要分析你反驳它的理由。

但是,问题来了,你能在introduction一段回应并分析题目的观点吗?我们可以对任何事物表达自己的价值判断,但它并不是criticalthinking,critical thinking体现在论证,而非观点。很多同学选择在首段回应题目观点,你能做到analyzeand evaluate the perspectives given吗?所以,建议在论证过程中(body段)回应观点。


磨刀不误砍柴工,说了那么多审题要点,我们接下来开始分析这次的试题。我们之前带同学做过一道题叫An expert or a generalist,具体讨论过当一个专才好还是一个通才好,各自的优缺点,不知练习过这道题上考场的同学内心有没有一丝窃喜。题目即分析对象,Thevalue of mastering a complex skill,说明讨论的是掌握复合技能的价值,也就是你觉得当一名专才好不好?

接下来我们根据题目观点逐一进行分析,注意,brainstorming也是有范围的,通常建议同学们围绕题目的观点进行思路拓展,而非漫无边际的分析。观点一主要意思Dedication to a goal gives purpose and order to life.Thedetermination and persistent requirement may shape us into strong people.这个观点是一个偏支持的观点。生活里有没有这样的例子能支持它呢?很多呀,一个人因为坚持做某件事而养成了良好的意志品质,学习中,工作中,科研中,各个领域例子同学们如果题目看懂了应该是信手拈来吧!

观点二大概意思是Mastering a skill may worthefforts,but most people need variety and fun in their lives.It's important tobe a well-rounded and relaxed person.这个观点和观点一有一点对立,更倾向于做一个全才,而非专才。不知道考场上同学们有没有抓住关键词variety,fun,well-rounded进行分析和回应。有很多例子可以举,例如竞选总统需要这个人既有能力,又有魅力,又有财力,一个well-roundedperson竞选成功胜算更大吧;况且,我们的生活里很多时候需要我们用综合能力去应对例如一定的科研能力,组织能力等等。但是观点二有没有局限性?建议同学们考场上一个观点从支持和反对两个角度进行分析。首先,masteringa skill并不意味着会失去生活里的variety和fun吧,因为mastery这件事的程度因人而异,而且mastery和well-rounded person也并不是非此即彼的关系,同学们要是想反驳,也不难。

观点三的大概意思是Find something you are goodat and stick with it.Then you will achieve mastery.It will not requirespecial character and effort.这是一个中立的观点,觉得我们应该选择性培养某些专才。例如我们高中阶段的教育不管什么领域都学一点,即便你将来学法律,掌握点物理知识也能在日后的生活里帮助到你,而学海无涯,现在又是知识爆炸的时代,作为一个现代人,就应该具有淘金式思维的素质。


As we have stepped in to the information era,we are exposed to a wealth of newthings that needs to learn.In order to catch up with the fast-growing society,each of us should learn to acquire a new skill within a short period of time.Some people hold that it is better to be a person with comprehensive qualitieswhen faced with such a competitive job market.However,to be a personmastering a complex skill not only cultivates good will quality but alsoincreases the chance of good performance in his life career.

First of all,when we start to master a complex skill,we will concentrate onsomething and devote to it,which makes our life meaningful and builds goodqualities.This is in agreement with perspective one expressing agreement onthe benefits brought by mastery of a complex skill.Take the Chinese NobelPrize winner Tu Yoyo as an example.After she was given the scientificassignment to develop an effective vaccine against malaria,she spent numerousdays and nights reading books about Chinese medicine and experimenting withanimals and even herself.Repeated experiments brought her strong wills,determination and sense of responsibility to the whole human kind,making whatshe had done a lofty mission.Such devotion in a complex skill finally broughther with both honor and praise from the whole world so it is really meaningfulwhen one throws himself into a complex skill.

However,we had better choose the complex skills which we are good at lest it costs ustoo much time with less fruits just as perspective three claims.When we findthe right place,we could start to enhance the complex skill in this field.Then a satisfactory result can be expected because we are interested in it,wehave gift in this field and we can do a better job than those who are notcapable in it.For instance,Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard when he foundhis goal to establish an empire of internet.He specially devoted himself inwebpage making and then mastered complex skills in information technology.Theresults is known by all of us---the Microsoft Empire was established as adominant power in today’s internet world.His success is a vivid proof of theadvantage of selecting a suitable complex skill.

Although mastering a complex skill can bring us with so many advantages,some hold thatit may reduce the variety and fun of our life as what perspective twodescribes.On the contrary with perspective two,those variety and fun of ourlife cannot live without developing complex skills in what you are interested.Everything is unfamiliar with us unless we start to understand it and the degreeto master relevant skills vary from each other.It depends on our needs and thedegree of curiosity.Obtaining a complex skill is in itself a good thing forus.

To sum up,to make our stronger and more competitive,everyone in this fastchanging era should master some complex skills.




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