

来源: 易伯华教育



ACT考试写作 ACT考试

ACT考试全称“American College Test”,中文名称为“美国大学入学考试”。

它是美国大学本科的入学条件之一,也是奖学金发放的重要依据之一,由ACT INC主办。那我们具体来看一下act考试写作如何突破8分,取得8分以上的成绩。








In today’s society,people cannot live without social medias that contain many influencers showing off their popular life styles.Young people are the community that follows the trend the most easily and absorb the popular culture as their own,which changed their social values and their development,considering they have the most time to spend on the internet and in front of television.Therefore,popular culture has the most influence on young people’s life.

Although in traditional view,parents are the people that play the most important roles in shaping their children’s identity because they shared the most quality time together,the situation has changed due to the popularization of social medias,which make young people spend more time apart from their family to explore online;therefore,children no longer spend the most time with their parents anymore.Moreover,school and part time jobs take up the rest of family times,which makes the time of parenting decreased,so students today have less chances to be guided by their parents and mimic their parents’acts,even though they live under the same roof.

Additionally,compared to parents,whose every single aspect is seen by their children,those public figures’negative sides always remain hidden,so teenagers are more likely to follow them voluntarily.It is known that the information the public received has been improved,and that is the reason why the celebrities always seem more attractive than common people,which promotes young people to follow the opinions led by them and chase after their behaviors.On the other hand,parents usually represent the daily image in our lives,so young people,who are at this certain age that want to experience excitement rather than being mediocre,do not look up to their parents as much as their idols.

Moreover,young people are the most likely to be influenced by the social trends since they always know the most convenient access from their peers or from internet.Knowing so,social medias developed various ways to capture young people’s attention,for example,Tiktok attracts young people by presenting easily made short videos that fits their personal taste;The media market developed so many platforms that students spent most their time on the medias after school,and since the public has its fixed value everywhere like being skinny and athletic is the only way to gain popularity,young people are influenced by it subconsciously,because they have not formed their independent and mature judgment and identity yet.

To put in a nutshell,young people today are more influenced by the medias and their idols of the popular culture more than by their parents,because the social medias and internet platforms have taken up too much of their time that they no longer have the time with their families for their parents,and they are more willing to follow the trend set by their idols.


To effectively address the topic or task;Well-organized and developed,using clearly and appropriate explanations,exemplifications and/or details;To display unity,progression and coherence;To display consistent facility in the use of language.




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