GCSE文学考试中,paper2中section3部分的unseen poetry需要考生比较两首未学过的近现代诗歌,这两首诗歌通常在主题、情感或手法方面有相似的地方。对于大部分学生来讲,有一定的难度,首先,需要对两首陌生诗歌的内容了解的基础上,在内容、主题、结构、语言、创作手法等方面分析出异同点。
当然,在具备了必要的诗歌赏析能力后,独立分析一首诗歌后,再进行对比,完成对比赏析。Unseen poetry部分的诗歌虽然没有范围,但也有一定的规律可寻,诗歌往往会围绕着一下几个主题展开:亲情;爱情;自然环境;生命感悟和人生思考;怀念和回忆等,今天我们就来练习两首关于亲情类的诗歌,分别从内容主题,结构,语言和手法方面进行对比赏析。Poem1Poem2To a Daughter Leaving HomeWhen I taught you at eight to ride a bicycle, loping along beside you as you wobbledaway on two round wheels, my own mouth rounding in surprisewhen you pulled ahead down the curved path of the park, I kept waiting for the thud of your crash as I sprintedto catch up, while you grew smaller, more breakable with distance, pumping, pumping for your life, screaming with laughter, the hair flapping behind you like a handkerchief waving goodbye.(Linda Pastan)Poem for My Sister My little sister likes to try my shoes, to strut in them, admire her spindle-thintwelve-year-old legsin this season’s styles. She says they fit her perfectly, but wobbleson their high heels, they’re hard to balance. I like to watch my little sister playing hopscotch, admire the neat hops-and-skips of her, their quick peck, never-missing their mark, not over-stepping the line. She is competent at peever*. I try to warn my little sister about unsuitable shoes, point out my own distorted feet, the callouses, odd patchesof hard skin. I should not like to see her in my shoes. I wish she could stay sure footed, sensibly shod. Liz Lochhead诗歌对比To a Daughter Leaving HomePoem for My Sister 内容主题从诗歌题目可以看出,两首诗歌都是关于家人的,表达的内容都是对于亲情的怀念和回忆,从而表现出亲情的温暖,也对于成长表现出担忧(wobble)Poem1:母亲回忆女儿第一次学骑自行车的场景,体现出母亲的担心,随时准备保护女儿,当女儿学会骑车后,准备离开自己了,母亲又充满了伤感之情。Poem2:姐姐发现妹妹穿了一双不合脚的高跟鞋,妹妹的脚有一些受伤,姐姐很心疼,看到妹妹童年的欢乐时光,姐姐希望她永远快乐不论以后的生活遇到什么艰难。结构Poem1没有明确的分诗节,没有韵律,诗歌的结构loosefree style,好像是一段记叙文段落,就回忆骑自行车一事娓娓道来Poem2分了3个小节,每个小节的内容清晰独立,交代的很清楚,诗歌没有明确的押韵形式,但结构比第一首诗歌严谨一些语言手法Ø两首诗歌运用了暗喻metaphor的修辞手法,poem1把骑自行车一个生活中普通的事件比喻成人的成长过程,都会遇到第一次尝试,突破勇气,担惊受怕,得到保护,最后成长;poem2则讲述了穿高跟鞋和跳房子,比喻人都会经历一些美好和不适,当遇到不如意和不顺心的事情时,我们应该学会思考。Ø两首诗歌的语言非常生动(见标注的蓝色词语),大量的动词、形容词非常生动了描绘了当时的场景,让读者身临其境。Ø诗歌的语言相对简单,大部分是单音节或双音节词汇,用词较简单,体现出诗歌语言的生活化,切合主题和作者的情感