GCSE心理学课程 GCSE心理学 GCSE课程
Paper 1 will consist of the following topics:
·Research Methods
Paper 2 will consist of the following topics:
·Social Influence
·Language,Thought and Communication
·Brain Neuropsychology
·Psychological Problems
Chapter 1:Memory
Processes of memory:encoding(input)storage and retrieval(output)
Structures of memory
Memory as an active process
Chapter 2:Perception
Sensation and perception
Visual cues and constancies
Gibson’s direct theory of perceptionthe influence of nature
Visual illusions
Gregory’s constructivist theory of perceptionthe influence of nature
Factors affecting perception
Chapter 3:Development
Early brain development
Piaget’s stage theory and the development of intelligence
The role of Piaget’s theory in education
The effects of learning on development
Chapter 4:Research Methods
Formulation of testable hypotheses
Types of variable
Sampling methods
Designing research
Research procedures
Planning and conducting research
Ethical considerations
Quantitative and qualitative data
Primary and secondary data
Descriptive statistics
Interpretation and display of quantitative data
Normal distributions
Chapter 5:Social Influence
Prosocial behaviour
Crowd and collective behaviour
Chapter 6:Language,Thought and Communication
The possible relationship between language and thought
The effect of language and thought on our view of the world
Differences between human and animal communication
Non-verbal communication
Explanations of non-verbal behaviour
Chapter 7:Brain Neuropsychology
Structure and function of the nervous system
Neuron structure and function
Structure and function of the brain
An introduction to neuropsychology
Chapter 8:Psychological Problems
An introduction to mental health
How the incidence of significant mental health problems changes over time
Effects of significant mental health problems on individuals and society
Characteristics of clinical depression
Theories of depression
Interventions or therapies for depression
Characteristics of addiction
Theories of addiction
Interventions or therapies for addiction