

来源: 易伯华教育






The concept of inherent limits to development arose mainly because

development in the past was determined largely by the availability of physical

resources. Humanity relied more on muscle-power than thought-power to accomplish

work. That is no longer the case. Today mental resources are the primary

determinant of development. He who drove a simple bullock cart has now designed

ships and aircraft that carry huge loads across immense distances. He has tamed

rivers, cleared jungles and even turned arid desert lands into cultivable lands

through irrigation. By using his brains he has turned worthless sand into

powerful silicon chips that carry huge amounts of information and form the basis

of computers. Since there is no inherent limit to the expansion of man’s mental

resources, the notion of limits to growth cannot be ultimately binding.


It has been thought that the capacity for development is severely limited due

to the inherent limitation in the availability of natural resources. Resources

can be divided into four major categories: physical, social, mental and human

resources. Land, water, mineral and oil, etc. constitute physical resources.

Social resources consist of society’s capacity to manage and direct complex

systems and activities. Knowledge, information and technology are mental

resources. The energy, skill and capacities of people constitute human


Though physical resources are limited in their availability, the same cannot

be said about social, mental and human resources which are not subject to any

inherent limits. Even if these appear to be limited at present, there is no

fixity about the limitation and these resources can and will continue to expand

over time and that expansion can be accelerated if appropriate strategies are

adopted. In recent decades the rate of growth has accelerated dramatically.


The role of physical resources tends to diminish as society moves to higher

levels in the scale of development. Correspondingly the role of non-material

resources keeps increasing as development advances. One of the most important

non-material resources is information, which has become a key input in modern

times. Information is a non-material resource that does not get exhausted by

distribution or sharing. Greater access to information helps increase the

pace of its development. Ready access to information about economic factors

helps investors to immediately transfer capital to those sectors and areas where


it will fetch a higher return. The greater input of non-material resources helps

explain the rising productivity of societies in spite of a limited physical

resource base.


The application of higher non-material inputs also raises the productivity of

physical inputs. Modern technology has helped increase the proven sources of oil

by 50% in recent years and at the same time reduced the cost of search

operations by 75%. Moreover, technology has shown that it is possible to reduce

the amount of physical inputs in a wide range of activities. Scientific

agricultural methods demonstrated that soil productivity could be raised by

application of synthetic fertilizers. Dutch farm scientists have demonstrated

that a minimal water consumption of 1.4 liters is enough to raise a kilogram of

vegetables compared to the thousand liters that traditional irrigation methods

normally require. Henry Ford’s assembly line techniques brought down the

man-hours of labor required to deliver a car from 783 minutes to 93 minutes.

These examples show that the greater input of higher non-material resources can

raise the productivity of physical resources and thereby extend their




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