

来源: 易伯华教育






In addition to providing predictions about future events, we often take

scientific theories to offer explanations for those that occur regularly or have

already occurred. Philosophers have investigated a scientific theory that has

successfully explained a phenomenon or what makes a scientific theory

explanatory. One early and very influential theory of scientific explanation was

put forward by Hemple and Oppenheim in 1948. Their Deductive-Nomological (D-N)

model of explanation says that a scientific explanation succeeds by subsuming a

phenomenon under a general law. Although ignored for a decade, this view was

subjected to substantial criticism, resulting in several widely believed counter

examples to the theory.


The most powerful statements in science are those with the widest

applicability. Newton’s Third Law—“for every action there is an opposite and

equal reaction”—is a powerful statement because it applies to every action,

anywhere, and at any time.

But it is not possible for scientists to have tested every incidence of an

action, and found a reaction. How is it, then, that they can assert that the

Third Law is in some sense true? They have, of course, tested many, many

actions, and in each one have been able to find the corresponding reaction. But

can we be sure that the next time we test the Third Law, it will be found to

hold true?


Two central questions about science are (1) what are the aims of science and

(2) how ought one interpret the results of science? Scientific realists claim

that science aims at truth and that one ought to regard scientific theories as

true, approximately true, or likely true. Conversely, a

scientific antirealist or instrumentalist argues that science does not aim(or

at least does not succeed) at truth and that we should not regard scientific

theories as true. Some antirealists claim that scientific theories aim at being

instrumentally useful and should only be regarded as useful, but not true,

descriptions of the world. More radical antirealists, like Thomas Kuhn or Paul

Feyerabend, have argued that scientific theories do not even succeed at this

goal, but that later scientific theories offer no objective improvement over

previous theories.


Technological development, from better transportation and carrier services to

the telephone and mass media, has created a smaller, more integrated world. Now,

the ICT revolution is making the world even smaller and more integrated.

Communications, trade and employment, personal and political transactions are

now occurring on a global scale, in real time, ignoring boundaries between



Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz defines globalization as “...the closer

integration of the countries and peoples of the world which has been brought

about by the enormous reduction of costs of transportation and communication,

and the breaking down of artificial barriers to the flows of goods, services,

capital, knowledge, and (to a lesser extent) people across borders”.



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