

来源: 易伯华教育






Holland Codes are personality types created by psychologist John L. Holland

as part of his theory of career choice. Holland mapped these types into a

hexagon which he then broke down into the RIASEC job environments. Holland

argues that 2-3 types dominate in each person.

1. Realistic—practical, physical, hands-on, tool-oriented

2. Investigative—analytical, intellectual, scientific, explorative

3. Artistic—creative, original, independent, chaotic

4. Social—cooperative, supporting, helping, healing/nurturing

5. Enterprising—competitive environments, leadership, persuading

6. Conventional—detail-oriented, organizing, clerical


In addition to belonging to the social and cultural settings into which they

are born, people voluntarily join groups based on shared occupations, beliefs,

or interests (such as unions, political parties, or clubs). Membership in these

groups influences how people think of themselves and how others think of them.

These groups impose expectations and rules that make the behavior of members

more predictable and that enable each group to function smoothly and retain its

identity. The rules may be informal and conveyed by example, such as how to

behave at a social gathering,

or they may be written rules that are strictly enforced. Formal groups often

signal the kind of behavior they favor by means of rewards (such as praise,

prizes, or privileges) and punishments (such as threats, fines, or



Behaviorists explain personality in terms of the effects external stimuli

have on behavior. It was a radical shift away from Freudian philosophy. This

school of thought was developed by B. F. Skinner who put forth a model which

emphasized the mutual interaction of the person or “the organism” with its

environment. Skinner believed that children do bad things because the behavior

obtains attention that serves as a reinforcer. For example: a child cries

because the child‟s crying in the past has led to attention. These are the

response, and consequences. The response is the child crying, and the attention

that child gets is the reinforcing consequence. According to this theory,

people‟s behavior is formed by processes such as operant conditioning. Skinner

put forward a “three term contingency model” which helped promote analysis of

behavior based on the “Stimulus—Response—Consequence Model” in which the

critical question is: “Under which circumstances or antecedent „stimuli‟ does


the organism engage in a particular behavior or „response‟, which in turn

produces a particular „consequence‟?”


Fair or unfair, desirable or undesirable, social distinctions are a salient

part of almost every culture. The form of the distinctions varies with place and

time, sometimes including rigid castes, sometimes tribal or clan hierarchies,

sometimes a more flexible social class. Class distinctions are made chiefly on

the basis of wealth, education, and occupation, but they are also likely to be

associated with other subcultural differences, such as dress, dialect, and

attitudes toward school and work. These economic, political, and cultural

distinctions are recognized by almost all members of a society—and resented by

some of them.



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