

来源: 易伯华教育






34 (In any situation, progressrequires discussion among people who have

contrasting points of view)的主旨句是这样的:

Whether the statement holds true depends onwhich area we are discussing here.

In scientific research, it is absolutelytrue that progress often times requires

discussion among people who havecontrasting points of view. similarly, in

politics, the eclectic solutionsbetween two parties holding contrasting views

are often better than the eitherof the two extreme ones. However, in the

business world, contrasting points ofviews would often times do more harm than



To begin with, scientificresearch showed that taking in the contributions of

two contrasting points ofviews often gives rise to a new and more accurate

description of the fact.


In the thesis statement, the student writerclaims that the issue statement

holds true in the context of scientificresearch. Yet, in the topic sentence, she

suggests that the statement holdstrue according to some scientific research.

These are two different claims as the one in the thesis statement is

aboutscientific research whereas the one in the topic sentence is about some

unknowntopics the discussion of which has been studied scientifically.

Therefore, there is a mismatch between thethesis statement and the topic

sentence despite their seemingly similarcontents.



这里是某同学写的 issue 65(Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey

just laws and todisobey and resist unjust laws)的其中一段的节选:

Other than just laws, one should alsocomply with unjust laws established in

the society.… For instance, still on thefree way, a person exceeds the speed

limit and is caught by a police needs topay a fine according to the law. In this

case, the person might think the lawis unjust, as this person does not hurt

anyone, but need to be punished.However, if everyone over-speed on the free way

and not taking responsibilityfor the mistake, the road will become a mess.


还有一位同学再写issue 33的时候提到一个很偏门的例子:Today,as people know more knowledge about

sleep, they understand that sleep paralysisis a common disease caused by stress

and can manage to recover. 这里sleep paralysis



仅仅有合适的例证是不够的,我们还需要在文章中提供足够的细节来解释例子如何支持观点。比如某同学写的issue 65 (Every individual in

a society has aresponsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust


There will surely be concerns about the consequences of implementingunjust

laws and forcing people to obey them. To address such concerns, thereshould be

ways through which people can express their disagreement within thelegal

framework. For example, laws once gave people different rights based ontheir

race or gender, which was totally unjust. Martin Luther King Jr. and

hisfollowers chose to express their disagreement in a peaceful way, to call

forattention on the inequity and urge the improvements of laws. Similarly,

withlegal pretests feminists expressed their requirements on equal pay,

equalrights of vote and other social rights. In such ways, unjust laws would

beabolished and replaced by just laws, without driving the whole society


这里主题句里提到了consequences,但是后面的讨论中并没有具体指出是什么后果。例子中提到的laws once gave people

different rights based on their race or gender, which was totally

unjust这句话显得比较笼统,可能加上 in the


再比如说某同学写的issue 78 (People'sattitudes are determined more by their immediate

situation or surroundings thanby society as a whole)


As children begin to study in schools, they have more opportunities

tointeract with the society but are still limited by their families, resulting

inthe society and their immediate surroundings to equally impact their

attitudes.On the one hand, as students, children can meet plenty of schoolmates

and canuse the Internet to get more information from the society. For instance,

theymay start to watch TV episodes and discuss with their peers. In this case,

theywill form their own attitude towards fashion. On the other hand, they are

stillconstraint by their families as long as they live with their family

members. Aserious parent may not allow their kids to use drugs, or they may even

taketheir kids to a higher-quality institute simply to avoid their kids to

contactwith any drug.




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