

来源: 易伯华教育



说到GRE阅读,无非就是多看。但是看什么很关键。短期捷径有没有?当然有,那就是GRE阅读机经,本月最新的阅读机经已经发布,http://gre.yibohua.con/yuedu45235.html. 包含逻辑阅读、短阅读、长阅读,一共5篇。每篇均有资深GRE教师分享给大家的参考答案和解题思路。


以下是今日的双语阅读文章。更多双语文章汇总》》 点击这里

The saga at Valeant rumbled on. Michael Pearson decided to quit as chief

executive of the troubled Canadian drug maker. He acknowledged that the past few

months, during which time the company has been criticised for introducing

whopping price increases on heart medicines and has come under federal

investigation for its ties to an online pharmacy, have been “difficult”. He will

stay until a successor is named. The company blamed the “tone at the top of the

organisation” and pressure to achieve targets as factors causing it to restate

its earnings. William Ackman, an activist investor whose hedge fund owns 9% of

Valeant, was appointed to the board.




IHS and Markit, two providers of market and financial data, agreed to merge

in a transaction they valued at $13 billion. IHS is based in Colorado but will

move to London, where Markit hasits headquarters, thus allowing it to lower its

corporate-tax rate considerably. It is the latest ina series of “tax inversion”

deals that have attracted political controversy in America. The newIHS Markit

will compete with Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters for business.



Markit将与彭博(Bloomberg)和汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)展开商业竞争。

Apple went back to basics, unveiling a new iPhone, the SE, which comes with a

smaller screen than the iPhone 6 and is billed by the company as the cheapest

iPhone ever. Meanwhile,America's Supreme Court agreed to hear Samsung's appeal

against the penalties it has incurred for copying Apple's patented designs on the


苹果公司(Apple)回归最初,发布新款iPhone SE。该款手机屏幕比iPhone

6小,并且是苹果有史以来价格最便宜的一款手机。与此同时,美国最高法院(America's Supreme


Marriott increased its offer for Starwood Hotels to $13.6 billion in order to

fend off a rival bid from An bang, a Chinese insurance company. Starwood, which

counts the Sheraton and Westin chains among its brands, accepted Marriott's new

deal, which was discussed by the companies'bosses when they accompanied Barack

Obama on his visit to Cuba. Starwood also announced that it had struck a deal

with the Cuban government to operate hotels on the island, the first American

hotelier to do so since the revolution in 1959.

为了阻止中国保险公司安邦(An bang)收购喜达屋酒店(Starwood



更多双语文章》》 点击这里

The minutes from the latest meeting of the Bank of England's policy committee

showed that its members think uncertainty in the markets over the outcome of the

June referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union is a “significant

driver” behind the fall of the pound.The central bank, which is officially


neutral in the Brexit debate, said the uncertainty was also causing some

businesses to delay spending decisions.

英格兰银行(Bank of


In a surprise move, Nigeria's central bank raised its bench mark interest rate

by 1 percentage point, to 12%. Nigeria's currency, the naira, has been hurt by

the fall in oil prices. That has helped push up inflation to 11.4%.




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