How low-end disruption occurs over time? More recently the concepts of
disruptive vs. sustaining innovation have been popularized, where innovation is
often characterized by its impact on existing markets or businesses. Sustaining
innovations allows organizations to continue to approach markets the same way,
such as the development of a faster or more fuel efficient car. Disruptive
innovations on the other hand, significantly change a market or product
category, such as the invention of a cheap, safe personal flying machine that
could replace cars.
Prof. Clayton M. Christensen of the Harvard Business School maintained a data
base of innovative changes in the production and sale of hard-disks from 1975 to
1995. There were 116 new technologies introduced, 111 of which were sustaining
in nature, and every established firm in the industry was able to copy or
replicate those innovations with 100% success. (Sustaining innovations also tend
to be evolutionary.) In contrast there were 5 disruptive innovations. None of
the disruptive products involved any new technology, yet for the established
firms in the industry the adoption rate in the disruptive technologies was
Innovation studies have traditionally conceived of two types of innovation to
nurture revenues by effectively growing market share: Incremental Innovation and
Radical Innovation.
Incremental innovations is a step forward along a technology trajectory, or
from the known to the unknown, with little uncertainty about outcomes and
success and is generally minor improvements made by those working day to day
with existing methods and technology (both process and product), responding to
short term goals. Most innovations are incremental innovations. A value-added
business process, involves making minor changes over time to sustain the growth
of a company without making sweeping changes to product lines, services, or
markets in which competition currently exists.
Joseph Schumpeter defined economic innovation in 1934:
1. The introduction of a new good—that is one with which consumers are not
yet familiar—or of a new quality of a good.
2. The introduction of a new method of production, which need by no means to
be founded upon a scientifically new discovery, and can also exist in a new way
of handling a commodity commercially.
3. The opening of a new market, which is a market into which the particular
branch of manufacture of the country in question has not previously entered,
whether or not this market has existed before.
4. The conquest of a new source of supply of raw materials or
half-manufactured goods, again irrespective of whether this source already
exists or whether it has first to be created.
5. The carrying out of the new organization of any industry, like the
creation of a monopoly position (for example through trustification) or the
breaking up of a monopoly position.
Technological product and process (TPP) innovations comprise implemented
technol-ogically new products and processes and significant technological
improvements in products and processes. A TPP innovation has been implemented if
it has been introduced on the market (product innovation) or used within a
production process (process innovation). TPP innovations involve a series of
scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial activities.
The TPP innovating firm is one that has implemented technologically new or
significantly technologically improved products or processes during the period
under review.