IB环境系统学什么? 一起揭开这个冷门课程的神秘外衣
ESS相当于生物里面ecology的一个拓展,然后它除了单从生物学上来讲ecology(生态环境的关系,一些生态系统的循环过程),同时也讲它和社会的关系,跟人文社科有关(一些工厂,human impact on natural environment之类的)。其实ESS作为既是实验又是社科,科学的成分有,但是它主要是像ecology之类的。所以它所需要的设备并不需要很高的要求,它主要是涉及户外的一些活动。
关于分数方面的,ESS的7分挺难拿的,但是6分就比较容易(大多数学生都是6分,只不过是low 6和high 6的区别)。
System and Models
system – a collection of interrelated parts that work together by way of some driving process.
surroundings – everything around the system being studied
open system – exchanges energy and matter with surroundings. Most ecosystems are open.
closed system – exchanges energy but not matter with surroundings. Our planet is [usually] closed.
isolated system – exchanges neither energy nor matter with surroundings. Laboratory experiments are usually isolated.
- First Law of Thermodynamics: Conservation of energy.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. There is a fixed amount of energy in the universe. Therefore living organisms must get their required energy from their environment and surroundings.
-Second Law of Thermodynamics: In an isolated system entropy tends to increase spontaneously.
When energy is converted from one form to another, some of the energy is degraded into less-usable heat which disperses into the environment. Thus the amount of energy remains the same, but its usability decreases.
Entropy measures the amount of disorder in the universe – usable energy is more organized whereas less-usable energy is more diffuse/disorganized. Entropy increases naturally, or spontaneously.
Equilibrium – A state of balance among the components of a system
Stable equilibrium - The condition of a system in which there is a tendency for it to return to a previous equilibrial condition following disturbance
Steady-state equilibrium – The condition of an open system in which there are no changes over the longer term, but in which there may be oscillations in the very short term. There are continuing inputs and outputs of matter and energy, but the system as a whole remains in a more-or-less constant state.
Dynamic equilibrium – there is no specific ‘average’ state; the system has different average states at different times. After a disturbance, the system may move to a different ‘average’ state.