Topic 1.General physics 1.1 Length and time
1.2 Motion
1.3 Mass and weight
1.4 Density
1.5 Forces
1.5.1 Effects of forces
1.5.2 Turning effect
1.5.3 Conditions for equilibrium
1.5.4 Centre of mass
1.5.5 Scalars and vectors
1.6 Momentum(Extended candidates only)
1.7 Energy,work and power
1.7.1 Energy
1.7.2 Energy resources
1.7.3 Work
1.7.4 Power
1.8 Pressure
Topic 2.Thermal physics 2.1 Simple kinetic molecular model of matter
2.1.1 States of matter
2.1.2 Molecular model
2.1.3 Evaporation
2.1.4 Pressure changes
2.2 Thermal properties and temperature
2.2.1 Thermal expansion of solids,liquids and gases
2.2.2 Measurement of temperature
2.2.3 Thermal capacity(heat capacity)
2.2.4 Melting and boiling
2.3 Thermal processes
2.3.1 Conduction
2.3.2 Convection
2.3.3 Radiation
2.3.4 Consequences of energy transfer
Topic 3.Properties of waves,Including light and sound 3.1 General wave properties
3.2 Light
3.2.1 Reflection of light
3.2.2 Refraction of light
3.2.3 Thin converging lens
3.2.4 Dispersion of light
3.3 Electromagnetic spectrum
3.4 Sound
Topic 4.Electricity and Magnetism 4.1 Simple phenomena of magnetism
4.2 Electrical quantities
4.2.1 Electric charge
4.2.2 Current
4.2.3 Electromotive force
4.2.4 Potential difference
4.2.5 Resistance
4.2.6 Electrical working
4.3 Electric circuits
4.3.1 Circuit diagrams
4.3.2 Series and parallel circuits
4.3.3 Action and use of circuit components
4.4 Digital electronics(Extended candidates only)
4.5 Dangers of electricity
4.6 Electromagnetic effects
4.6.1 Electromagnetic induction
4.6.2 a.c.generator
4.6.3 Transformer
4.6.4 The magnetic effect of a current
4.6.5 Force on a current-carrying conductor
4.6.6 d.c.motor
Topic 5.Atomic physics 5.1 The nuclear atom
5.1.1 Atomic model
5.1.2 Nucleus
5.2 Radioactivity
5.2.1 Detection of radioactivity
5.2.2 Characteristics of the three kinds of emission
5.2.3 Radioactive decay
5.2.4 Half-life
5.2.5 Safety precautions
以上就是易伯华小编关于IGCSE物理知识点目录的总结。整体来看,IGCSE阶段的物理课程内容相对比较基础简单,仅比国内初三物理课程内容略高,可以说只要在初中物理基础还不错的情况下,认真做好学习准备,还是能够比较轻松的搞定这门课的。 易伯华专注A-level课程/IB课程/AP课程/IGCSE课程和考试培训辅导,业已成为中国专业、更值得信赖的国际课程学习中心,国际课程提分率高达99.9%,数千名藤校、G5学子。成功辅导学生考取九大公学,以及全球TOP20大学。得到广泛学子认可,学生满意度百分百,口口相传,口碑学生达90%以上,是中国学生通往海外名校的桥梁。详询:17600269130(海淀校区),17600269130(国贸校区)