2016英国签证面试问题汇总 注意这3种常见问题
自2015年6月1日后,所有申请英国tier 4学生签证的同学都必须参加签证面试,具体的面试形式为远程视频面试。本年度即将迎来又一轮新的签证高峰,为帮助童鞋们顺利通过签证面试,小编特意整理了一些签证面试中常见问题,计划要赴英留学的童鞋以及即将要提交签证申请的童鞋们,注意收藏啦! 一、英国面签常见问题--基本情况
1. What’s your name and DOB ?
2. Have you ever applies for a visa to go to any other country?
3. Is this your first tine applying for a visa?
4. Is this the first time going out of the China?
5. Why do you want to go to the UK?
6. What degree will you plan to pursue in the UK?
7. Do you think UK has some more advantage than other countries?
8. When you have the idea to go abroad to study ?
9. Do you know about UK?
10. When will you arrive in UK?
1. Where will you study ?
2. How do you know this University?
3. How much do you know this University?
4. Which course will you study? How much do you know about your course?
5. How many hours will you study per hour?
6. Where are you going to live in UK?
7. Why do you choose this University and this programme?
8. What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation?
9. What is your future plan? What will you do after graduation? 三、英国面签常见问题-资金证明和来源
1. What about the living expenses in the UK?
3. Do you know how much money does it cost for the entire period of your study?
4. Who will pay your tuition fee and living expense?
5. What do your parents do? How can they support you? How does the money come from?
6. Can you give some description of your father’s company? Can you give some description of your mother’s company?
赴英留学 注意提升自己的软实力