2014年终总结 全球发生了很多变化
This year shattered records from the number of billionaires to the number of refugees. It also happened to be the warmest year recorded and featured the highest-ever levels of wheat production and sales of industrial robots. The statistics below show how the world changed this year, in ways both big and small. 2014的政变有点儿多
100-200 percent: Increase in the number of coups since 2013. This year, the governments of Thailand and Burkina Faso were toppled by their militaries. In Ukraine, meanwhile, a popular uprising and a parliamentary vote ejected then-President Viktor Yanukovych. There is some debate over whether the events in Kiev technically count as a coup as Yankovych has claimed, but according to academic definitions, wrote coup expert Jay Ulfelder, “pedantically, Yanukovych is correct.” In any case, while coups are exceedingly rare worldwide, 2014's number represents a jump from the one successful coup, Egypt’s, last year. G8变成G7了
八国集团首脑会议(G8 Summit)由西方七国首脑会议演变而来,2014最终又回归成了原先的七国。俄罗斯是最后一个入伙的,却是第一个被赶出来的。原因则是今年三月克里米亚并入了俄罗斯。孤立、制裁神马的自然是少不了的,而且那七国还得抱团讨论着……首脑会议八缺一,G8成员国减少了12.5%。
12.5 percent: Decline in the membership of what used to be the Group of 8 leading industrialized democracies—the group's largest and only decline ever. After Russia was kicked out of the exclusive club following Crimea’s incorporation into Russia, the G8 became the G7. Russia had been the last member to join the exclusive club and the first to go; the group is now back to its 1998 membership. 土豪数量大爆发
19 percent: Increase in the number of billionaires around the world in 2014, according to Forbes’s annual billionaires’ list. As of March this year, there were 1,645 billionaires on the planet, including 268 new ones, the biggest annual increase since Forbes started counting in 1987. The year saw about a 25-percent increase in the number of female billionaires, the highest ever, though with 172 female billionaires, women still make up only about 10 percent of the total list. 阿富汗罂粟大丰收
17 percent: Increase in Afghanistan’s opium-production potential since 2013. This year, Afghanistan broke its previous record for poppy production—which it set only last year. The country’s poppy industry has grown in each of the past three years; the UN now estimates that the country can produce 6,400 tons worth of opium, a production surge of 40 percent since its Taliban-era peak of 4,565 tons in 1999. 机器人有很多
相比去年,今年全球的工业机器人设备数量预计有望增长15%, 这是要超过2013年机器人销量峰值的节奏。在某种程度上,这与制造业自动化的普及有很大关系。据说,中国是全球机器人最大的买主。不过,这里要说明的是,工业机器人并非形似人类,那种跟人类很像的机器人英文叫android。
15 percent: Expected increase in industrial robot installations worldwide since last year. This year’s on track to break 2013’s record of the highest number of industrial robots ever sold, in part due to increasing automation in manufacturing. China leads the world in industrial robot purchases. Note, as Merriam-Webster’s Concise Encyclopedia does, that “industrial robots do not resemble human beings; a robot in human form is called an android." 中国经济今年超美国?
1.2 percent: Margin by which the size of China’s economy will surpass that of the U.S. for the first time in 2014, according to one International Monetary Fund projection. The IMF was measuring each country’s GDP at purchasing power parity, which, as Bloomberg defined it, “uses exchange rates that adjust for price differences of the same goods between nations.” By other measures, the U.S. will lead the pack of the world’s economies for perhaps another decade. 全球小麦产量增长
0.6 percent: Increase in wheat production worldwide since last year. This year’s crop will put wheat output “at its highest level ever,” according to the International Grains Council. Meanwhile, though, Russia, one of the world’s main wheat suppliers, has restricted exports as its declining currency drives up domestic prices for food and other goods. 2014天气很热
1.22°F: Average number of degrees by which the global temperature exceeded the 20th-century average. That makes 2014 to date the warmest period since scientists started keeping track, breaking by 0.02°F the previous record, set in 2010. 油价跌得很酸爽
40 percent: Decline in the price of a barrel of oil from its 2014 peak this summer. Oil prices are now at their lowest levels in five and a half years due to slowing global demand and expanded alternative energy supplies. The Financial Times has called the price decline “by far the biggest shock for the global economy this year,” noting that its effects could “throw sand into the works of the usual economic relationships.”