美国大学在录取的时候,主要看申请人的学习和创新能力、领导能力、团队精神以及乐于助人等综合素质。单纯依靠申请材料有时无法判断学生的个人品质,为了能够招收到真正优秀的人才,美国一部分名校往往会通过面试等方式,确定申请人是否是他们所需要的学生。 那么,美国大学面试的有什么需要掌握的基本知识和技巧呢?
Officer,简称AO)、校友(Alumni)、招生助理(Assistant of Recruitment)执行。
就方式而言,则由谈话式、提问式、电话采访和邮件采访等。多数大学面试采用的是朋友谈话(friend to
另外一种是提问式(即interviewer to
面试问题基本上都围绕着学习的课程、专业兴趣、平时的活动、课外交流、家庭背景、及学校环境等。除了上面列出的问题,还有其他一些常见问题提供给大家做参考。百利天下的申请规划老师也总结了这几年学生参加面试常被问到的问题,大家可以提前做做准备。 美国本科入学面试常见问题汇总:
询问你对学校的了解 1)How did you hear about our (college) and why are you interested in it?
2)Why do you feel that you deserve acceptance/a scholarship to this
3)What would your ideal college be like?
4) What prompted you to apply for our school?
5) How do you think your high school has prepared you for college?
6) What is it about the field you intend to major in that interests you?
7) What types of activities do you plan on being involved with during your
college years?
8) What is something new you want to explore during college?
9) Do you know anyone of our school? Or have you contacted any professor or
faculty in our school?
10) What other schools are you applying to?
希望对你有更进一步的了解 1) Where are you from? How would you describe your hometown?
2) How would you describe your high school?
3) What is your favorite class that you are taking now?
4) What have been your major achievements throughout high school?
5) Are there any trips you've been on or experiences you've had that have
really influenced you or caused you to make change in your life?
6) What is the biggest problem facing your high school, and how would you
change it if you have been authorized power?
7) How would your favorite teacher describe you?
8) What can you bring to our school?
9) Tell me about three people in your life that inspire you and how did they
do so?
10) What is your best and worst characteristic?
11) If you had to change one thing about yourself what would it be and
12) Do you get along well with your friends? How would your friends describe
学生向面试者提出的问题集锦: 对面试官的问题对答如流的同时,学生还需要把握适当的时机向面试官提出问题。其实,面试除了达到了解学生的目的,它的另外一个功能是提供一个机会给学生更多更深入地了解学校,让双方都有一些直观感受的过程。面试者都会为被面试的人留出一定的时间来提问,也希望学生能提出一些有意义的问题,表现出他们对这所大学是真正的热情和向往。因此,学生必须好好做功课,准备好要问的问题,这些问题一定是你最关心的,但是在学校网站的介绍里可能无法找到答案的。下面列了一些面试官经常提的问题,供同学们参考。
1. I plan to organize a club related to Chinese Culture, is it difficult for
a student to open a club in your school?
2. I have heard that there are many holidays in universities. Will many
students stay on-campus during holidays?
3. Could you tell me something about the program you are studying in this
4. According to you, what is the best part in your school?
5. Will I have any graduate assistants teaching my classes?
6. Will I have an academic advisor? How can I select major?
7. What are the current housing options?
8. Are there any academic support services available?
9. What was the most impressive thing to you during your campus life?
10. In terms of finding a job after graduation, what could your college offer
for students?