

来源: 易伯华教育



THE HAGUE — Amid fears that bureaucracy andhigh costs could diminish Britain’s stature as aleading destination for international students, a newstudy foresees long-term, steady growth in theability of British universities to attract foreigngraduate students, especially from China.



The study, released by the British Council thismonth, predicts that by 2024 Britain will add 83,000 international graduate students to the223,745 it hosted in 2013.Of those, 44 percent will come from China, which currently accounts for about 22 percent ofinternational graduate students in Britain.

2013年,共有22.38万名国际研究生在英国求学。英国文化教育协会(British Council)本月发布的研究报告预计,到2024年,人数还将在此基础上增加8.3万人。中国将贡献这一增量的44%。目前,英国的国际研究生有22%来自中国。

But the report, “Postgraduate Student mobility Trends to 2024,” also raised some concerns. Atan estimated yearly growth of 3.5 percent from 2013 to 2024, Britain’s power to attract foreigngraduate students will have weakened compared to the five years leading up to 2012, whenBritish universities registered 4.1 percent growth in that sector.

但这份题为《展望2024:研究生流动趋势》(Postgraduate Student Mobility Trends to 2024)的报告也提出了一些问题。根据预期,从2013年到2024年,在英国各大学注册的国际研究生人数将以每年3.5%的速度递增,但在2012年之前的5年时间里,年增长率为4.1%——相较而言,英国对外国研究生的吸引力将有所下降。

The figures also suggest a growing reliance on China, which, though currently the biggestprovider of international postgraduate students, is expected to send fewer students as itspopulation ages.



“The U.K. can’t just sit up and look at its historical position in this market,” said Jo Attwooll, thesenior policy manger at Universities UK, an association that represents the country’suniversities. “There is a growing amount of competition from other countries.”

“英国不能只是坐守其成,洋洋自得于它在这个市场上的历史地位,”英国大学组织(Universities UK)高级政策经理乔·阿托沃尔(Jo Attwooll)说,“来自其他国家的竞争正在不断不断加剧。”这个组织代表英国各大学。

The day the study was released, a recruitment film was being shot on the campus of Universityof Derby, a middle-sized university in central England. The university boasts small class sizesand good connections with several global companies, like Rolls-Royce, Bombardier and Toyota,which have offices in and around the town of Derby. It has an excellent employability rate forgraduates.

研究报告发布的那天,德比大学(University of Derby)的校园里正在拍摄招生影片。这所规模中等的大学位于英格兰中部,可以进行小班教学,并且和罗尔斯·罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce)、庞巴迪(Bombardier)、丰田(Toyota)等跨国公司有着良好的关系。这些企业都在德比设有办事处,毕业生的就业率非常高。

“You can’t expect people in China to know about Derby,” said Nick Slade, the university’sdirector of international development.

“你不能指望远在中国的人们了解德比,”该校国际发展部主管尼克·斯莱德(Nick Slade)说。

Which is one of the reasons why the recruitment video features, among other internationalstudents, a Chinese student who describes her experience at Derby in Mandarin. Like otherpromotional material, the video will be posted on the university’s Chinese website.


“The actual students speak English well enough to read the English site, but it may be that theirparents want to read the Chinese,” Mr. Slade said.


Mr. Slade said competition for international students has become so strong among smaller,midlevel universities in Britain that Derby, which has about 1,000 international students, haspulled out all the stops, including offering pickup service from the airport and a buddy systemto ease transition and getting the local police constable to set up a registration desk at theschool so that foreign students no longer have to make the trek to the police station toregister.


“Everybody is offering more,” he said.




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