

来源: 易伯华教育




1. 考试时间 变革前:30分钟,议论文变革后:40分钟,剖析性议论文2. 话题范围 变革前:根本集中于教育类话题变革后:更普遍多样的社会话题3. 考题方式 变革前:提供正反两方观念供参考,需独立表达观念,可与题干观念不分离变革后:提供三方观念,须分离所给观念剖析较复杂问题4. 评分维度 变革前:主要从文章谈论的复杂度、观念展开、文章组织及语言评分变革后:四维评价:想法和剖析(Ideas and Analysis),开展与支持(Developmentand Support),文章组织(Organization),语言应用用及标准(LanguageUse and Conventions)5. 算分办法 变革前:两位阅卷人评分,分别依照1-6分评价,加和汇总。例如两位阅卷人的分数分别是:6分,5分,最后的得分为11分。变革后:两位阅卷人评分,每人在四个维度内依照1-6分评价,最后每个维度加和汇总,即每个维度得分区间2-12分。例如两位阅卷人分数分别是:3-3-3-3,3-3-3-3,最后得分为6-6-6-6。另外,除了每个维度的得分外,考生还会取得一个最终换算的1-36分范围内的写作总分。 满分范文及解析 官方给出了一篇标题为“Intelligent

Machines”的参考范文,列出了6篇范文,分数从1-6分不等。我们认真阅读下面的满分作文,可以发现新的ACT写作,依然有章可循。标题是针对intelligent machines替代人工的现象展开谈论,并一共以下三个观念:Perspective 1: What we lose with the replacement of people by machines is

some part of our own humanity. Even our mundane daily encounters no longer

require from us basic courtesy, respect, and tolerance for other people.Perspective 2: Machines are good at low-skills, repetitive jobs, and at

high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases they work better than humans.

This efficiency leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for

everyone.Perspective 3: Intelligent machines challenge our long-standing ideas about

what humans are or can be. This is good because it pushes both humans and

machines toward new, unimagined possibilities.满分作文:As technology improves, and more and more tasks are completed by machines

instead of humans, the question is no longer about what we can do with machines,

but rather what we should. Although the usage of machines increases efficiency

and our standard of living, it detracts from the value of human life.As machines increasingly perform all our basic tasks, society is able to

produce more. The additional production adds material value to our society and

frees people up from these low-skill tasks. This is in agreement with

Perspective Two which claims that this industrialization leads to more

prosperity. For example, in the 18th century, short-staple cotton that was grown

in the Southern United States required an immense amount of labor in order to

seperate the seeds from the fiber to process the cotton to make it

marketable.However, in the mid-19th century, Eli Whitney, an American entrepreneur,

invented the cotton gin, which allowed for automation of cotton processing. This

machine replaced the need of a large work force for the process and greatly

improved production. As a result of the cotton gin, short-staple cotton

production skyrocketed, increasing by more than 10 times in the South while

bringing prosperity to the region and setting in motion a new industrial era in

America. This is in agreement with Perspective Three, which says that

mechanization allows for “unimagined possibilities”. Although there are clearly

many advantages to industrialization, there are also some heavy drawbacks.The replacement of humans by machines leads to the loss of value to human

life, an effect that outweighs the material gains of automation. The search to

find human tasks that can be performed by machines inevitably leads to

comparisons between the human and the machine. If a company executive wants to

see if a inventory management team can be replaced by a robotic system, he will

compare the two and determine which can do a better job. When this occurs, the

people on the team are evaluated not for their worth as human beings, but for

their effectiveness at performing a specific function—in essence, as we

wouldevaluate a machine. In a larger sense, when we begin to think about humans

in this way, the worth of a person’s life becomes dependent on only what they

can do and no longer has any intrinsic value. As Perspective One states, we


begin to lose our humanity. This new mindset and way of evaluating people,

though seemingly harmless in the workplace, is devastating when it begins to

pervade a society. If a person is judged only on his or her capability, there is

no reason for a person to remain after they have served their function. This

would warrantgenocide against the elderly and the disabled because their burden on

society would not be made up for by any production. Although the machines may

seem to only fulfill the low skill jobs at the moment, there is no barrier to

prevent the machines from replacing more. As the machines increase in

intelligence, they will replace any tasks done by humans and render us

unnecessary and worthless.Due to the risks of dehumanization, the material benefits of machines are

not enough to justify its increasing presence.一直备考现行版本ACT作文的考生,会发现其实变革后的作文并没有想象中的那么令人恐惧,全然不同。在这篇作文中,有下面几个突出的特征:1. 观念明晰、视角独立;2. 例证有力支持观念,且十分集中连接;3. 与题干观念联络严密,不偏不跑;4. 言语多样性强。其实除了与题干观念联络严密这一点,其它都是ACT作文课上强调的重点。对于即将到来的考试,考生不用慌忙。题目给出的论点非常清晰,同时,要求考试能够专注于论点本身去讨论。之前的考试一直是正向反向都要去论证,而新的考试要求考试多观点剖析。这一点有相似处。科学合理的备考方案 1. 扩展阅读量,特别是权威报纸、期刊中高质的议论文,学习议论的思绪和展开;2.





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