美国大学排名TOP16文书真题汇总 看看这些学校的文书写什么


来源: 易伯华教育

美国大学排名TOP16文书真题汇总 看看这些学校的文书写什么


在申请时,文书也是非常重要的一个环节,而各个顶尖学校的文书题目都会有所差异,同时对于不同种类的文书也有特别的偏好。了解这些内容,将帮助同学们更有针对性的准备对口的文书,增加录取率。 一、 普林斯顿大学(PrincetonUniversity) 请简单描述对你意义深远的一个课外活动或工作经历。Pleasebrieflyelaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work

experiencesthatwas particularly meaningfulto you. (About 150 words)你是如何度过最近两个暑假的?Pleasetell us howyou have spent the last two summers (orvacationsbetween

school years), including any jobs youhaveheld.(About 150 words)用以下题目作为开头描写一个人,一件事,或者一段经历,以及这些事如何帮助你定义自我价值甚至改变你认识世界的方式。所写内容不得与CA上的申请文书有任何雷同之处。Usingone of thethemes below as a starting point,write about aperson, event,

orexperience thathelped you define one of your values or insome way changed

howyou approach theworld. Please do not repeat,in full or inpart, the essay

youwrote for theCommon Application.对你影响极大的一个人。Tell usabout aperson who has influenced you in a significant way.使用你三年内读过的一句话作为开篇,讲述一段改变你价值观或世界观的经历。Using afavoritequotation from an essay or book you have read in the last

three yearsas astarting point, tell us about an event or experience that helped

you defineoneof your values or changed how you approach the world. Please

writethequotation, title and author at the beginning of your essay.二、哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity) 你生命中经历的特殊状况。Unusual circumstancesin your life.国外游历或居住经历。Travelor livingexperiences in other countries.你想让你未来大学室友了解你什么?What you would wantyour future college roommate to know about you?你感到意义最大的一次体验:课程、项目、阅读、讨论、论文、诗歌、工程研究、数学、科学或其他。Anintellectual experience (course, project, book, discussion, paper,

poetry, orresearch topicin engineering, mathematics, science or other modes of

inquiry)that has meantthe most to you.你会如何运用你的大学知识?How you hope to useyour college education?三、耶鲁大学(Yale University) 耶鲁哪一点使你决定申请该校?What inparticular about Yale has influenced your decision to apply?什么能引发你对知识的兴趣?What excites youintellectually, really?想一想你经历的一次失望。你是如何回应的?Think about adisappointment you have experienced. What was your

response?你未来的宿舍生活方式。Suite-styleliving -four to six students sharing a set of rooms - may be an

integral partof yourYale College experience. What would you contribute to the

美国大学排名TOP16文书真题汇总 看看这些学校的文书写什么

dynamic ofyoursuite?你希望自己哪些方面可以更好或者什么事情可以做得更好?What doyou wish youwere better at being or doing?四、哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University) 你最自豪的活动是什么,以及为什么?What single activitylisted in the activity section of your Common

Application areyou most proud ofand why? (150 words or less)哥大最吸引你的地方是什么,以及为什么?Please tell us whatyou find most appealing about Columbia and why. (300

words or less)



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