SAT(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 19)


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SAT(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 19)


下面易伯华SAT思频道为大家整理的SAT(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 19),供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。


Word List 19fallacious-flinch

fallacious ADJ./假的;误导的/false; misleading. Paradoxically, fallacious reasoning

does not always yield erroneous results: even though your logic may be faulty,

the answer you get may nevertheless be correct. fallacy, N.

fallible ADJ./容易犯错的/liable to err. I know I am fallible, but I feel

con­fident that I am right this time.

fallow ADJ./休耕地;潜伏的;不活跃的/plowed but not sowed; uncultivated. Farmers have

learned that it is advisable to permit land to lie fallow every few years.

falter V./犹豫;踌躇/hesitate. When told to dive off the high board, she did not

falter, but proceeded at once.

fanaticism N./狂热的,盲目的/excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a belief or cause.

When Islamic fundamentalists demanded the death of Salman Rushdie because his

novel questioned their faith, world opinion condemned them for their


fancy N./爱好;奇特;想象/notion; whim; inclination. Martin took a fancy to paint his

toenails purple. Assuming he would outgrow such fanciful behavior, his parents

ignored his fancy feet. alsoADJ.

fanfare N./号角声/call by bugles or trumpets. The exposition was opened with a

fanfare of trumpets and the firing of cannon.

farce N./闹剧;嘲笑/broad comedy; mockery. Nothing went right; the entire

interview degenerated into a farce. farcical,ADJ.

fastidious ADJ./挑剔的;难伺候的/difficult to please; squeamish. Bobby was such a

fastidious eater that he would eat a sandwich only if his mother first cut off

every scrap of crust.

fatalism N./宿命论/belief that events are determined by forces beyond one's

control. With fatalism, he accepted the hard­ships that beset him.


fathom V./领会;调查,测量/comprehend; investigate. I find his motives impossible to

fathom; in fact, I'm totally clueless about what goes on in his mind.

fatuous ADJ./愚蠢的;不可理喻的;不理智的/foolish; inane. He is far too intelligent to

utter such fatuous remarks.

fauna N./动物志/animals of a period or region. The scientist could visualize the

fauna of the period by examining the skeletal remains and the fossils.

fawning ADJ./奉承/courting favor by cringing and flattering. She was constantly

surrounded by a group of fawning admirers who hoped to win some favor.


faze V./折磨,打击/disconcert; dismay. No crisis could faze the resourceful hotel


feasible ADJ./可行的/practical. Is it feasible to build a new stadium for the

Yankees on New York's West Side? Without addi­tional funding, the project is

clearly unrealistic.

fecundity N./丰饶/fertility; fruitfulness. The fecundity of his mind is

illustrated by the many vivid images in his poems.

feign V./假装;捏造/pretend. Lady Macbeth feigned illness although she was

actually healthy.

feint N./假的,淡的,不鲜明的;佯攻/trick; shift; sham blow. The boxer was fooled by his

opponent's feint and dropped his guard. alsoV.

felicitous ADJ./措辞巧妙的;精巧的/apt; suitably expressed; well chosen. He was famous

SAT(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 19)

for his felicitous remarks and was called upon to serve as master-of-ceremonies

at many a banquet. felicity, N.

felicity N./欢乐;适当/happiness; appropriateness (of a remark, choice, etc.). She

wrote a note to the newlyweds wishing them great felicity in their wedded


fell ADJ./凶猛的,致命的/cruel; deadly. The newspapers told of the tragic spread of

the fell disease.

fell V./放倒,打倒/cut or knock down; bring down (with a missile). Cry­ing

"Timber!" Paul Bunyan felled the mighty redwood tree. Robin Hood loosed his

arrow and felled the king's deer.

felon N./重罪犯/person convicted of a grave crime. A convicted felon loses the

right to vote.

feral ADJ./野生的,未驯服的/not domestic; wild. Abandoned by their owners, dogs may

revert to their feral state, roaming the woods in packs.

ferment N./激怒;挑起骚动、暴乱/agitation; commotion. With the breakup of the Soviet

Union, much of Eastern Europe was in a state of fer­ment.

ferret V./侦查;搜出;赶出/drive or hunt out of hiding. She ferreted out their


fervent ADJ./炙热的/ardent; hot. She felt that the fervent praise was excessive

and somewhat undeserved.

fervid ADJ./炙热的/ardent. Her fervid enthusiasm inspired all of us to undertake

the dangerous mission.

fervor N./热情;激情/glowing ardor; intensity of feeling. At the protest rally,

the students cheered the strikers and booed the dean with equal fervor.

fester V./使溃烂,化脓/rankle; produce irritation or resentment. Joe's insult

festered in Anne's mind for days, and made her too angry to speak to him.

festive ADJ./欢乐;庆祝/joyous; celebratory. Their wedding in the park was a

festive occasion.

fetid ADJ./恶臭的/malodorous. The neglected wound became fetid.

fetter V./羁绊/shackle. The prisoner was fettered to the wall.

fiasco N./彻底失败/total failure. Our ambitious venture ended in a fiasco and we

were forced to flee.

fickle ADJ./变化无常的;薄情的/changeable; faithless. As soon as Romeo saw Juliet, he

forgot all about his old girlfriend Rosaline. Was Romeo fickle?

fictitious ADJ./想象的/imaginary. Although this book purports to be a biography

of George Washington, many of the incidents are fictitious.

fidelity N./忠诚/loyalty. A dog's fidelity to its owner is one of the reasons

why that animal is a favorite household pet.

figment N./发明;臆造的事务/invention; imaginary thing. That incident never took

place; it is a figment of your imagination.

figurative ADJ./比喻/not literal, but metaphorical; using a figure of speech.

"To lose one's marbles" is a figurative expres­sion; if you're told that Jack

has lost his marbles, no one expects you to rush out to buy him a replacement


figurine N./小雕像/small ornamental statuette. In The Maltese Fal­con, Sam Spade

was hired to trace the missing figurine of a black bird.

filament N./灯丝;精细的织物或线/fine thread or fiber; threadlike structure within a

light bulb. A ray of sunlight illuminated the filaments of the spider web,

turning the web into a net of gold.

filch V./偷/steal. The boys filched apples from the fruit stand.

filial ADJ./子女的/pertaining to a son or daughter. Many children forget their

filial obligations and disregard the wishes of their parents.

filibuster V./(发表长篇演讲来)阻挠法案通过/to block legislation by making long speeches.

Even though we disapproved of Senator Foghorn's political goals, we were

impressed by his ability to filibuster end­lessly to keep an issue from coming

to a vote.

finale N./结论,结尾,结局/conclusion. It is not until we reach the finale of this

play that we can understand the author's message.

finesse N./精密的技巧/delicate skill. The finesse and adroitness with which the

surgeon wielded her scalpel impressed all the observers in the operating


finicky ADJ./过分讲究;鸡毛蒜皮/too particular; fussy. The little girl was finicky

about her food, leaving over anything that wasn't to her taste.

firebrand N./总惹麻烦的人,惹事生非者,捣乱人/hothead: troublemaker. The police tried to keep

track of all the local firebrands when the President came to town.

fissure N./裂缝;分歧/crevice. The mountain climbers securedfootholds in tiny

fissures in the rock.

fitful ADJ./断断续续;间歇/spasmodic; intermittent. After several fitful attempts,

he decided to pos官方真题Officialne the start of the project until he felt more


flabbergasted ADJ./大吃一惊;目瞪口呆/astounded; astonished; overcome with surprise.

In the film Flubber, the hero invents a remarkable substance whose amazing

properties leave his coworkers flabbergasted. flabbergast,V.

flaccid ADJ./软弱的;无活力的/flabby. His sedentary life had left him with


flag V./萎缩;衰退/droop; grow feeble. When the opposing hockey team scored its

third goal only minutes into the first quarter, the home team's spirits flagged.


flagrant ADJ./非常坏的;残忍的;恶名昭著的/conspicuously wicked; blatant; outrageous. The

governor's appointment of his brother-in-law to the State Supreme Court was a

flagrantviolation of the state laws against nepotism (favoritism based on


flair N./才能/talent. She has an uncanny flair for discovering new artists

before the public has become aware of their existence.

flamboyant ADJ./华丽的/ornate. Modern architecture has dis­carded the flamboyant

trimming on buildings and empha­sizes simplicity of line.

flaunt V./招摇;炫耀/display ostentatiously. Mae West saw nothing wrong with

showing off her considerable physical charms, saying, "Honey, if you've got it,

flaunt it!"

fleck V./使起斑点/spot. Her cheeks, flecked with tears, were testi­mony to the

hours of weeping.

fledgling ADJ./无经验的/inexperienced. While it is necessary to pro­vide these

fledglingpoets with an opportunity to present their work, it is not essential

that we admire everything they write. also N.

fleece N./羊毛外套/wool coat of a sheep. They shear sheep of their fleece, which

they then comb into separate strands of wool.

fleece V./抢劫;诈骗/rob; plunder. The tricksters fleeced him of his


flick N./轻弹;轻打/light stroke as with a whip. The horse needed no

encouragement; one flick of the whip was all the jockey had to apply to get the

animal to run at top speed.

flinch V./畏首畏尾,退缩;犹豫/hesitate, shrink. He did not flinch in the face of

danger but fought back bravely.



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