

来源: 易伯华教育










Passage 1 小说类:关于作者和叔叔去自家商店(墨水和钢笔)看经营状况,听老板讲墨水和钢笔的学问,延伸到人生意义。

这篇文章跟亚太考区的小说选材有异曲同工之妙,亚太小说节选自:Barbara的Flight Behaviors。故事里面母子两位主要人物去郊区看蝴蝶。但是儿子眼睛看不见,文章主要讲解母亲的一些内心思考。看来CB这次小说的选题,偏向性明显,在亚太和北美倾向性一致

Passage 2 社科类:北美阅读的第二篇依旧是社科类。主要讲述了学者提出目前网络的广泛使用会改变人类的记忆模式(通过四组社会实验佐证),这跟亚太考区社科类文章关于凯恩斯经济学和布雷顿森林体系相比较,个人认为要简单一些。

Passage 3 科学类:讲了一种鱼(guppy)在实验室环境和自然环境下,繁殖能力和后代生长状态会受捕食者数量的影响(捕食者越多,后代会越多,但重量会小)。这跟亚太考区的第三篇科学关于(Gold in trees may hint at buried treasure)同属于实验结论类文章,

Passage 4 历史类:北美第四篇的历史和亚太考区依旧一致:关于女权和奴隶制,不同的是亚太考区是以双篇的形式出现,北美是单独文章,女权和奴隶制是历史类文章比较钟爱的题材。

Passage 5 科学类(双篇):北美第五篇是科学(双篇),主要讲述了抗体和抗原。篇讲的是新抗体的研制比较困难,而抗原容易有抗药性;第二篇讲一种抗体研制的原理。本篇科学类文章难度总体适中, 跟亚太考区的关于海底生物的选材也差不多。

注:此次考试阅读部分进行了加试,考察了双篇科学,主要探讨关于原始火星,其实是wet not warm 的假设。


Passage 1:为了缓解交通保护环境,促进大家使用公共交通,准备推行BUS免费政策,文章主要从经济、社会角度讨论这项政策的利弊。

Passage 2:随着数码相机的普及,早先的拍照技术慢慢消失。文章主要介绍了目前某些摄影家依然会用wet plate photography,讨论了这项技术的原理和利弊。

Passage 3:主要讲解城市建筑师的underground work

Passage 4:暂缺。










US needs full-employment agenda




1 In the wake of an unprecedented period of high unemployment and amid turmoil overseas, a president stood before a joint session of Congress for his annual State of the Union address, offering a bold vision to expand economic opportunity, strengthen the middle class and reduce inequality.

2 The year was 1944. The president was Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

3 The “Second Bill of Rights,” unveiled during the State of the Union 70 years ago, was not a constitutional amendment but a statement of principles for America’s economic future. It was centered on a commitment to achieving a crucial national objective: full employment.

4 With 50 million people, including 13 million children, now living below the poverty line and both parties seeking to address the national opportunity deficit in 2014, America’s political leaders should take a cue from FDR’s 1944 State of the Union. Congress should commit to do everything in its power to create the economic conditions for America to return to full employment. Getting every American working and contributing to the tax base will not only help eliminate poverty but also reduce the national debt and ultimately create the conditions for the free market to function well.

5 In the decades following FDR’s speech, Congress took serious action to realize the vision of a full-employment society. It passed the Employment Act in 1946, giving the federal government tools and a formal calling to “promote maximum employment, production, and purchasing power.” It passed a range of legislation to promote full employment through additional investments in transportation, health, education and research in the 1960s. Finally, in 1978, it passed the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act, calling on the president to work with the private sector to reduce unemployment to specific target levels.

6 Contrast these efforts with the inaction in today’s Congress. With nearly 30 million American workers either unemployed or underemployed, each and every lawmaker should enshrine job creation as Priority No. 1. Yet Congress has actually made unemployment worse. The economic consulting firm Macroeconomic Advisers estimated that the fiscal showdowns and budget cuts that have consumed Congress over recent years have cost the country up to $700 billion in economic growth and more than 2 million jobs.

7 As collapsed bridges, contaminated water and falling positions in global education rankings demonstrate, there are plenty of public projects our country needs to undertake. This is why we’ve been advocating for legislation — including the 21st Century Full Employment and Training Act and the American Jobs Act of 2013 — to create new opportunities to solve public problems while hiring educators, infrastructure-builders, first responders and medical researchers. There are good ideas in both parties for closing the skills gap, spurring infrastructure investment and reducing unemployment. But we need political will to pass a serious jobs bill.

8 This week, we’re announcing the creation of the Full Employment Caucus in Congress. As co-founders, we will regularly host expert economists and policymakers to discuss proven job-creation proposals and implement strategies for their adoption.

9 Achieving full employment isn’t only about helping jobless people. When we return to full employment, investors and businesspeople have more customers. When we return to full employment, workers have power to bargain for higher wages. Finally, when we return to full employment, crime declines as desperate people gain a paycheck and a purpose.

10 We’re founding this caucus to strength America’s economy and restore dignity for the tens of millions of Americans who have suffered the physical and emotional pain of joblessness.

11 Both President Obama’s State of the Union address and the Republican response echoed FDR’s emphasis 70 years ago on expanding economic opportunity, creating jobs and boosting wages. It’s time for Congress to pass a comprehensive jobs bill to realize that vision.




P1-3:通过refers to history, 在在文章起到hook的作用. 1944年,面临前所未有的高的失业率和动荡的海外局势,罗斯福总统大胆地扩大经济机会,中产阶级的地位,减少社会的不平等

P4:使用statistic, With 50 million people, including 13 million children, now living below the poverty line 这么多人在生活在贫困线以下,这么大的数据让读者感到shocking, alarming .起到appeal to readers’ sympathy的效果.既然让每一个美国人拥有全职工作not only help eliminate poverty but also reduce the national debt and ultimately create the conditions for the free market to function well.,读者从情感上会觉得要推行full- employment.

P5:再次使用historical facts. 强调Congress 为了实现full-employment society做了:passed the Employment Act in 1946;It passed a range of legislation....... in the 1960s;in 1978, it passed the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act.这些事实可以让读者看到Congress的决心,同时也预示着为了改变如今的现状,我们也应该效仿历史.

P6:Contrast. 通过对比的关系,过去的Congress made great effort to realize full-employment society, 然而现在,nearly 30 million American workers either unemployed or underemployed Congress却无所作为,然而让现在的情形变得更糟糕.这种对比关系,起到appeal to readers’ dissatisfaction to Congress 的效果.

P7:Analogy. 有问题等着我们解决,如桥梁倒塌,水被污染,国际教育地位下降等.reducing unemployment也是一件我们必须要解决的public problem,如同其他问题一样,我们必须严肃对待,所以呼吁Congress要立法.

P8:成立Full Employment Caucus

P9:Parallel structure,强调full employment 的好处:investors and business people have more customers;workers have power to bargain for higher wages; crime declines as desperate people gain a paycheck and a purpose.

气势强烈,增强了表达效果; 另外,当读者看着这些benefits是,会从logicreason去赞同作者要现实full-employment.

P10:忧国忧民.strength America’s economy and restore dignity for the tens of millions of Americans who have suffered the physical and emotional pain of joblessness.

P11:Echo with the beginning.奥巴马政府都在致力于解决失业问题,Congress也应该通过job bill.


如果使用analysis order, 我们的写作文章结构可以这样来布局:


historical facts

P1-3, P5都是在讲述历史证据。强调Congress 为了实现full-employment society做了:passed the Employment Act in 1946;It passed a range of legislation....... in the 1960s;in 1978, it passed the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act.这些事实可以让读者看到Congress的决心,同时也预示着为了改变如今的现状,我们也应该效仿历史.


P4: 使用statistic, With 50 million people, including 13 million children, now living below the poverty line 这么多人在生活在贫困线以下,这么大的数据让读者感到shocking, alarming .起到appeal to readers’ sympathy的效果.既然让每一个美国人拥有全职工作not only help eliminate poverty but also reduce the national debt and ultimately create the conditions for the free market to function well.,读者从情感上会觉得要推行full- employment.

P6:如今政府的不作为已经导致了这么严重的经济损失he fiscal showdowns and budget cuts that have consumed Congress over recent years have cost the country up to $700 billion in economic growth and more than 2 million jobs. 这么庞大的数据,让读者再次感到alarming,意识到情形的紧迫性.



P6 Contrast:通过对比的关系,过去的Congress made great effort to realize full-employment society, 然而现在,nearly 30 million American workers either unemployed or underemployed Congress却无所作为,然而让现在的情形变得更糟糕.这种对比关系,起到appeal to readers’ dissatisfaction to Congress 的效果.

P7 Analogy:有问题等着我们解决,如桥梁倒塌,水被污染,国际教育地位下降等.reducing unemployment也是一件我们必须要解决的public problem,如同其他问题一样,我们必须严肃对待,所以呼吁Congress要立法.


Stylistic and persuasive elements

1) P9 Parallel structure

强调full employment 的好处:investors and business people have more customers;workers have power to bargain for higher wages; crime declines as desperate people gain a paycheck and a purpose.气势强烈,增强了表达效果.

2) Appeal to emotion

P10忧国忧民.strength America’s economy and restore dignity for the tens of millions of Americans who have suffered the physical and emotional pain of joblessness.推荐阅读:SAT阅读考试答题顺序你知道吗?



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