

来源: 易伯华教育



1月23日举行的SAT考试是亚太区最后一场旧SAT考试,新SAT考试将在2016.05.07首次登陆亚太考区。目前CB官方正式发布的针对新SAT考试的材料只有《SAT官方指南》。那么,对于即将选择新SAT的考生而言,仔细研读这份珍贵的权威资料就变得十分必要了。那么今天小编就带着考生们来看一看这份权威资料中给我们揭露的有关新SAT考试的8大变化。 变化一:Relevant Words in Context 新SAT考试取消了填空题 As someone who bothinitiates and popularize fashion, American clothing

designer Anna Sui can trulybe considered a ____(2014.10北美卷)A. renegadeB. pilgrimC. composerD. trendsetterE. collector上题即是一道填空题,新SAT考试不再考察。考生们可以看出该题型难度不低,词汇的难度远远超越了目前高中生在学校所学习的词汇难度,所以取消该题型是一件好事。那么,新SAT部分对于词汇的考察是这样的:Salina asked herfriends to husbandthe supplies so that they would not run

out.(新SAT OG)上句中的husband一词考生们可以发现并不是我们大家所理解的“丈夫”的意思,根据该句中的逻辑为因果逻辑,大意为Salina让她的朋友对供应的物品节约使用,这样他们就不会用光了。所以此处husband的意思应该为“节约使用”的意思。那么,从该题中可以看出新SAT考试中对于词汇的考察特别关注“熟词僻意”,也就是词汇在上下文中的特定含义。变化二:Command of evidence 根据官方指南中的解释,这一点变化体现在:★ asking you to determine the best evidence to the previous question简单来说就是考生们需要在完成前一题的基础之上再完成下一道题,而下一道题的四个选项是来自于文章中的四个句子,考生们需要选出一个句子作为上一道题答案的出处或者依据。该题型为新SAT阅读中新增题型,考生们可以看出该题型的难点在于会出现“连坐”现象,也就是如果前一道题选错了,那么后一道题一定会被牵连一起选错。但是,该题型也有一定的技巧性,比如考生们可以先看下一道题,将下一道题给出定位的四个句子作为上一道题定位时的依据,这样考生们可以有一定的方向性。例子:1Every day,millions of shoppers hit the stores infull force—both online and on foot—searchingfrantically for the perfect gift. Last year, Americansspent over $30 billion at retail stores in the month of5 December alone.Aside from purchasing holidaygifts, most people regularly buy presents for otheroccasions throughout the year, including weddings,birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and babyshowers. This frequent experience of gift-giving can10 engenderambivalent feelings in gift-givers. Manyrelish the opportunity to buy presents becausegift-giving offers a powerful means to build strongerbonds with one’s closest peers. At the same time,many dread the thought of buying gifts; they worry15 that theirpurchases will disappoint rather thandelight the intended recipients.(新SAT OG Sample 1)

1. The authors indicate that people value gift-giving becausethey feel


itA)functions as a form of self-expression.B) isan inexpensive way to show appreciation.C)requires the gift-recipient to reciprocate.D) canserve to strengthen a relationship.2. Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous

question?A)Lines 10-13 (“Many . . . peers”)B)Lines 22-23 (“People . . . own”)C)Lines 31-32 (“Research . . . perspectives”)D) Lines 44-47 (“Although .. . unfounded”)解析:第一题是一道传统的推断题,而第二题则是一道证据题。第一题答案应该选择D。In lines 10-13,the authors clearly state that some people

believe gift-giving can help arelationship because it “offers a powerful means

to build stronger bonds withone’s closest peers.”第二题答案应该选A, 因为in lines 10-13, the authors suggest that people

valuegift-giving because it may strengthen their relationships with others:

“Manyrelish the opportunity to buy presents because gift-giving offers a

powerfulmeans to build stronger bonds with one’s closest peers.”



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