

来源: 易伯华教育





一、通过关系词判断句子的逻辑关系 同义关系 反义关系


名词具有感情色彩的修饰语一般有以下几种情况:①adj. ②of修饰结构③定语从句修饰 ④非谓语动词修饰结构

动词具有强烈感情色彩的修饰语一般有以下几种情况:①adv. ②状语从句修饰(原因状语从句,时间状语从句,地点状语从句,条件状语从句等) 人物、事物的特性特征

并列结构。比如:______evidence, unquestionable proof 三、逻辑分析 正反义词分析 正负评价分析

支持反对类动词分析 Section One

Ø 骗子集团:imposer, masquerader, deceiver, double-dealer, swindler, cheater

Ø 叛徒集团:treachery, duplicity, deceit, disloyalty, infidelity, treason, betrayal, two-faced Ø 花言巧语集团:trickery, deception, duplicity, dishonesty, fraud, sophistry, swindling, intrigue

Ø 伪君子集团:hypocrite, sanctimony(道貌岸然), pietist(虚假的虔诚的人), plaster(抹上灰泥以作掩饰), saint, pretender, deceiver, impostor Ø 强盗集团:predator, robber, bandit, pirate, gouger, plunder

Ø 吝啬鬼集团:miser, pinchpenny, saver, hoarder, niggard, money-mad, skinflint, tightfisted Section Two

Ø 辉煌:sublime, splendor, grand, superb, spectacular, gorgeous, glorious, dazzling, majestic, noble

Ø 首要的:overarching, prime, chief, central, foremost, paramount, dominant, supreme, overriding, preeminent, ultimate

Ø 提升:better, improve, ameliorate, upgrade, refine, enhance, boost, develop, polish up, perk up(振作)

Ø 尊敬:regard, respect, acclaim, admiration, approbation, approval, appreciate, esteem, homage, deference


Ø 美丽漂亮:prettiness, comeliness, charm, appeal, heavenliness, grace, splendor, exquisiteness, magnificence, grandeur, gorgeousness, glamour

Ø 和谐:concord, consonance, agreement, harmony, accord, unity, unanimity, concert Ø 平息抚慰assuage, allay, placate, pacify, appease, soothe, mollify, mitigate, propitiate, conciliate

Ø 顶点:zenith, acme, apex, summit, peak, pinnacle, vertex, crest Ø 勤奋的,仔细的:sedulous/assiduous/diligent/industrious

Ø 卓越:superiority, excellence, predominance, prestige, fame, preeminence Ø 闪耀光芒:sparkle, shine, gleam, glitter, flash, glint, blink, dazzling

Ø 实际的:practical, empirical, observable, realistic, sensible, down-to-earth, reasonable, businesslike, rational, pragmatic

Ø 颂词:Eulogy, panegyric. Encomium, tribute

Ø 与节制相关:abstinence, sobriety, self-denial, continence, temperance, ascetic禁欲者, 苦行修道者, stoic高度自制者;坚忍克己之人≠reprobate堕落者,道德败坏的人 Ø 信条:principle, tenet, belief, doctrine, precept, creed, dogma, canon, conviction, persuasion

Section Three

Ø 不确定:inconclusive, indecisive, indefinite, undetermined, unresolved, unproved, unsettled, vague, ambiguous

Ø 悲伤:mournful, gloomy, sad, happy, miserable, dejected, sorrowful, morose, dismal, grim, saturnine

Ø 封锁:enclosure, confine, encompass, restrict, imprison, trap, cage, encircle

Ø 愤怒:anger, annoyance, exasperation, crossness, irritation, indignation, resentment, rage, fury, wrath, outrage, irascible Ø 错误:misconception, illogical, off target, incorrect, inexact, imprecise, invalid, fallacious, flawed, unsound

Ø 陈腐的: cliché, platitude, ordinary, conventional, stereotyped,

Ø 昂贵的:expensive, costly, exorbitant, overpriced, immoderate, extravagant, lavish, priceless

Ø 可笑的:absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous, laughable, idiotic, insane, irrational, illogical, senseless, outrageous, incredible

Ø 乏味的:dull, mundane, boring, tedious, monotonous, tiresome, wearisome, routine, banal, platitude, mediocre, middle of the road, insipid, adequate, uninspired, unexceptional, unremarkable, pedestrian, prosaic, moderate

Ø 含糊其辞:equivocate, vague, ambiguous, vacillate, hesitate, pussyfoot Ø 煽动激起:provoke/agitate/foment/annoy/irk/irritate/incite/instigate Ø 嘲笑:jeer, gibe, sneer, scoff, insult, tease, chaff(谷壳,取笑), torment, ridicule, mock, heckle起哄


Ø 笨拙的:inept, awkward, uncoordinated, graceless, inelegant, maladroit, unskillful, inexpert

Ø 复杂的:complex, complicated, convoluted, intricate, tangled, serpentine, labyrinthine, tortuous, byzantine, sophistication

Ø 尖酸的刻薄的:avid, pungent, bitter, sharp, sour, acid, harsh, vinegary, acerbic, stringing, burning, odorous(香的,臭的)

Ø 死亡:demise, death, passing, expiry, departure, exit, decease(law)

Ø 灭绝:extinct, die out, defunct, vanished, wipe out, exterminate, gone with wind Section Four

Ø 偶然:accidental, fortuitous, chance, adventitious, coincidental, casual, random, unexpected, unanticipated, unpremeditated Ø 多种多样的:sundry, multiple, diverse, assorted, divergent, distinctive, various, versatile Ø 与树有关的词:trunk树干,limb树枝=branch, twig嫩枝, bark树皮,termite白蚁,resin树脂, gum树胶 Ø 与眼睛有关:iris虹膜, pupil瞳孔, cornea角膜, lens晶状体, retina视网膜, myopia近视, spectacles眼镜, monocle单片眼镜, goggle护目镜

Ø 与吃相关的词:ravenous, starving, famished, voracious, greedy, gluttonous, insatiable, ravening, avarice, rapacity, avidity, cupidity

Ø 与喝相关的词:quaff, guzzle, swill(狼吞虎咽的喝,猪食)

Ø 关于笑的集团总结:giggle吃吃地笑:以重复间歇的、短的声音笑, chuckle轻笑声:由于高兴或满意而轻笑, chortle大笑:发出哈哈大笑或用哈哈大笑来表达, guffaw哄笑,狂笑:开心的,兴高采烈的一阵大笑, grin咧嘴而笑:嘴唇后咧并露出牙齿,如在高兴或情绪好时, smirk假笑,自得的笑:做作的,通常是自鸣得意、令人生厌的微笑, snicker窃笑,傻笑:一种阴险的,有些僵硬的笑, simper傻笑:傻乎乎地、不自在的,通常忸怩的笑容, babble胡言乱语:愚蠢地无根据地谈话;饶舌

Ø 唱歌:solo/aria独唱, duet, trio, quartet, ensemble

Ø 昙花一现的:epherneral, evanescent, transient, transitory Ø 星星集团:satellite, star, planet, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

Ø 开始:initiation, origination, launch, establishment, inception, inauguration Ø 因果关系

明显因果关系:Because, because of, for, as, since, in that, be due to, as long as, if, when, so, so that, therefore, thereby, as a result, consequently, accordingly, thus, hence

隐含因果关系:given, considering, lead to, result in, give rise to, derive from, result from, on the basis of, represent, be based on, rely on, spring from Because A, B/ A, because B/ A, so/therefore B Given/since A, B

Too A to B/ so A that B/ such A that B -ing/ -ed

Ø 目的手段关系

in order to, to, for, by, 分词短语, 不定式 A by B

In order to/ to Ø 递进关系


even, indeed, not only…but also…, almost…quite Ø 并列复指关系

and, 分号,非转折含义连接词(and, or…),平行结构,同位语 A, B A and B

词性并列结构 Ø 解释关系

分词短语,不定式短语,状语从句,冒号 定语从句/状语从句 分号/冒号/that is/逗号 A,B=A’,B’ 插入语成分 Ø 转折关系

although, though, even though, albeit, despite, in spite of, however, but, yet, while, whereas, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, whatever Ø 对比关系

结构对比关系:not…but…, instead, in contrast, on the contrary, far from…, on the other hand, rather than, more…than…, otherwise, unlike, not so much…as...

特殊含义词对比:paradoxical, paradoxically, ironical, ironically, unexpected, unexpectedly, curious, curiously, surprise, surprisingly, unfortunate, unfortunately, puzzle, shock

时间对比关系before, until, since, previous, current, recently, now, today, yesterday, later, future, begin, start, origin, create, once, early, formerly, initially, pristine, erstwhile, heretofore, hitherto, no longer

明显对比含义词:contrast whether rather than rather than instead


非明显对比含义词:remarkable typically/uncharacteristic between A and B 特殊含义词对比:disappointed paradoxically actually 时间对比关系 Ø 因果关系

明显因果关系:Because, because of, for, as, since, in that, be due to, as long as, if, when, so, so that, therefore, thereby, as a result, consequently, accordingly, thus, hence

隐含因果关系:given, considering, lead to, result in, give rise to, derive from, result from, on the basis of, represent, be based on, rely on, spring from Because A, B/ A, because B/ A, so/therefore B Given/since A, B

Too A to B/ so A that B/ such A that B -ing/ -ed

Ø 目的手段关系

in order to, to, for, by, 分词短语, 不定式 A by B

In order to/ to Ø 递进关系

even, indeed, not only…but also…, almost…quite Ø 并列复指关系

and, 分号,非转折含义连接词(and, or…),平行结构,同位语


A, B A and B

词性并列结构 Ø 解释关系


分词短语,不定式短语,状语从句,冒号 定语从句/状语从句 分号/冒号/that is/逗号 A,B=A’,B’ 插入语成分 Ø 转折关系

although, though, even though, albeit, despite, in spite of, however, but, yet, while, whereas, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, whatever Ø 对比关系

结构对比关系:not…but…, instead, in contrast, on the contrary, far from…, on the other hand, rather than, more…than…, otherwise, unlike, not so much…as...

特殊含义词对比:paradoxical, paradoxically, ironical, ironically, unexpected, unexpectedly, curious, curiously, surprise, surprisingly, unfortunate, unfortunately, puzzle, shock

时间对比关系before, until, since, previous, current, recently, now, today, yesterday, later, future, begin, start, origin, create, once, early, formerly, initially, pristine, erstwhile, heretofore, hitherto, no longer 明显对比含义词 非明显对比含义词 特殊含义词对比 时间对比关系。





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