SAT(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 13)


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SAT(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 13)


下面易伯华SAT思频道为大家整理的SAT(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 13),供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。


Word List 13deciduous-dermatologist

deciduous ADJ./落叶的/falling off as of leaves. The oak is a decid­uous tree; in

winter it looks quite bare.

decimate V./残杀(十个里面杀一个)/kill, usually one out of ten. We do more to

decimateour population in automobile accidents than we do in war.

decipher V./破译,解密/interpret secret code. Lacking his code book, the spy was

unable todecipher the scrambled message sent to him from the KGB.

declivity N./下坡/downward slope. The children loved to ski down the


decollete ADJ./低肩露颈的服装/having a low-necked dress. Current fashion decrees

that evening gowns be decollete this season; bare shoulders are again the


decomposition N./瓦解;腐烂/decay. Despite the body's advanced state of

decomposition,the police were able to identify the murdered man.

decorum N./礼貌;温文尔雅/propriety; orderliness and good taste in man­ners. Even

the best-mannered students have trouble behav­ing with decorum on the last day

of school. decorous,ADJ.

decoy N./引诱/lure or bait. The wild ducks were not fooled by the decoy.


decrepit ADJ./老化,磨损/worn out by age. The decrepit car blocked traffic on the


decrepitude N./衰老;老耄/state of collapse caused by illness or old age. I was

unprepared for the state of decrepitude in which I had found my old friend; he

seemed to have aged twenty years in six months.

decry V./强烈反对/express strong disapproval of; disparage. The founder of the

Children's Defense Fund, Marian Wright Edelman, strongly decries the lack of

financial and moral support for children in America today.

deducible ADJ./可推导的,可推论的/derived by reasoning. If we accept your premise,

your conclusions are easily deducible.

deface V./丑化/mar; disfigure. If you deface a library book, you will have to

pay a hefty fine.

defame V./丑化;诽谤/harm someone's reputation; malign; slander. If you try to

defamemy good name, my lawyers will see you in court. If rival candidates

persist in defaming one another, the voters may conclude that all politicians

are crooks. defamation, N.

default N./不作为,无动于衷/failure to act. When the visiting team failed to show up

for the big game, they lost the game by default. When Jack failed to make the

payments on his Jaguar, the dealership took back the car because he had

defaulted on his debt.

defeatist ADJ./失败主义者/attitude of one who is ready to accept defeat as a

natural outcome. If you maintain your defeatist attitude, you will never

succeed. also N.

defection N./缺点;逃跑,叛逃/desertion. The children, who had made him an idol, were

hurt most by his defection from our cause.

defer V./推迟,延期/delay till later; exempt temporarily. In wartime, some young

men immediately volunteer to serve; others

defer /缓招/making plans until they hear from their draft boards. During the

Vietnam War, many young men, hoping to be deferred, requested student


defer V./听从/give in respectfully; submit. When it comes to making decisions

about purchasing software, we must defer to Michael, our computer guru; he gets

the final word. Michael, however, can defer these questions to no one; only he

can decide.

deference N./尊重的,尊重他人的/courteous regard for another's wish. In defer­ence to

the minister's request, please do not take pho­tographs during the wedding


defiance N./抵抗;不屈服/refusal to yield; resistance. When John reached the

"terrible two's," he responded to every parental request with howls of defiance.


defile V./污染;亵渎/pollute; profane. The hoodlums defiled the church with their

scurrilous writing.

definitive ADJ./完全的;最终的/final; complete. Carl Sandburg's Abraham Lincoln may

be regarded as the definitive work on the life of the Great Emancipator.

deflect V./反射,偏转/turn aside. His life was saved when his cigarette case

deflected the bullet.

defoliate V./落叶/destroy leaves. In Vietnam the army made extensive use of

chemical agents to defoliate the woodlands.

defray V./偿付/pay the costs of. Her employer offered to defray the costs of

her postgraduate education.

deft ADJ./灵巧的,敏锐地/neat; skillful. The deft waiter uncorked the cham­pagne

without spilling a drop.

defunct ADJ./死的;不存在的,报废的/dead; no longer in use or existence. The lawyers

sought to examine the books of the defunct corpo­ration.

defuse V./拆弹;化解(危机)/remove the fuse of a bomb; reduce or eliminate a threat.

Police negotiators are trained to defuse danger­ous situations by avoiding

confrontational language and behavior.

degenerate V./恶化/become worse; deteriorate. As the fight dragged on, the

champion's style degenerated until he could barely keep on his feet.

degradation N./降级;降格;退化/humiliation; debasement; degeneration. Some

secretaries object to fetching the boss a cup of cof­fee because they resent the

degradation of being made to do such lowly tasks. degrade,V.

dehydrate V./脱水/remove water from; dry out. Running under a hot sun quickly

dehydratesthe body; joggers soon learn to carry water bottles and to drink from

them frequently.

SAT(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 13)

deify V./神化/turn into a god; idolize. Admire Elvis Presley all you want; just

don'tdeify him.

deign V./屈服,屈尊/condescend; stoop. The celebrated fashion designer would

notdeign to speak to a mere seamstress; his overburdened assistant had to convey

the master's wishes to the lowly workers assembling his great designs.

delectable ADJ./使人愉快的/delightful; delicious. We thanked our host for a most


delete V./删除/erase; strike out. Less is more: if you delete this paragraph,

your whole essay will have greater appeal.

deleterious ADJ./有害的/harmful. If you believe that smoking is deleterious to

your health (and the Surgeon General cer­tainly does), then quit!

deliberate V./深思熟虑的;商讨/consider; ponder. Offered the new job, she asked for

time todeliberate before she told them her decision,

delineate V./描绘;描述/portray; depict; sketch. Using only a few descriptive

phrases, Austen delineates the character of Mr. Collins so well that we can

predict his every move. delin­eation, N.

delirium N./精神错乱/mental disorder marked by confusion. In his delirium, the

drunkard saw pink panthers and talking pigs. Perhaps he wasn't delirious: he

might just have wandered into a movie.

delude V./盅惑/deceive. His mistress may have deluded herself into believing

that he would leave his wife and marry her.

deluge N./冲(水)(刺)/flood; rush. When we advertised the position, we received

adeluge of applications.

delusion N./错觉/false belief; hallucination. Don suffers from delusions of

grandeur: he thinks he's a world-famous author when he's published just one

paperback book.

delve V./挖掘;调查/dig; investigate. Delving into old books and man­uscripts is

part of a researcher's job.

demagogueN./煽动政治家/person who appeals to people's prejudice; false leader of

people. He was accused of being a dema­gogue because he made promises that

aroused futile hopes in his listeners.

demean V./降级;贬低/degrade; humiliate. Standing on his dignity, he refused to

demeanhimself by replying to the offensive letter. If you truly believed in the

dignity of labor, you would not think it would demean you to work as a


demeanor N./风度;行为/behavior; bearing. His sober demeanor qui­eted the noisy


demented ADJ./疯狂的/insane. Doctor Demento was a lunatic radio personality who

liked to act as if he were truly demented. If you're demented, your mental state

is out of whack; in other words, you're wacky.

demise N./死/death. Upon the demise of the dictator, a bitter dispute about

succession to power developed.

demolition N./拆除/destruction. One of the major aims of the air force was the

completedemolition of all means of trans­portation by bombing of rail lines and

terminals. demolish,V.

demoniac ADJ./魔鬼的/fiendish. The Spanish Inquisition devised many demoniac

means of torture. demon, N.

demur V./反对;犹豫/object (because of doubts, scruples); hesitate. When offered a

post on the board of directors, David demurred: he had scruples about taking on

the job because he was unsure he could handle it in addition to his other


demure ADJ./端庄的;认真的;腼腆的/grave; serious; coy. She was demure and reserved, a

SAT(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 13)

nice modest girl whom any young man would be proud to take home to his


demystify V./澄清;揭秘/clarify; free from mystery or obscurity. Help­ful doctors

demystifymedical procedures by describingthem in everyday language, explaining

that a myringotomy, for example, is an operation involving making a small hole

in one's eardrum.

denigrate V./抹黑/blacken. All attempts to denigrate the charac­ter of our late

president have failed; the people still love him and cherish his memory.

denizen N./居民;常客/inhabitant or resident; regular visitor. In The

Untouchables, Eliot Ness fights AI Capone and the other denizens of Chicago's

underworld. Ness's fight against cor­ruption was the talk of all the denizens of

the local bars.

denotation N./指示;根据名字区别/meaning; distinguishing by name. A dictio­nary will

always give us the denotation of a word; fre­quently, it will also give us the

connotations. denote,V.

denouementN./结局;结果/outcome; final development of the plot of a play. The play

was childishly written; the denouement was obvious to sophisticated theatergoers

as early as the mid­dle of the first act.

denounce V./咒骂;批评/condemn; criticize. The reform candidate denounced the

corrupt city officers for having betrayed the public's trust. denunciation,


depict V./描述/portray. In this sensational exposé, the author depicts Beatle

John Lennon as a drug-crazed neurotic. Do you question the accuracy of this

depiction of Lennon?

deplete V./耗尽;减少/reduce; exhaust. We must wait until we deplete our present

inventory before we order replacements.

deplore V./悔恨/regret; disapprove of. Although I deplore the vulgarity of your

language, I defend your right to express yourself freely.

deploy V./散开;部署/spread out [troops] in an extended though shal­low battle

line. The general ordered the battalion to deploy in order to meet the enemy


depose V./革职/dethrone; remove from office. The army attempted to depose the

king and set up a military govern­ment.

deposition N./宣言,誓言/testimony under oath. He made his deposi­tion in the

judge's chamber.

depravity N./堕落,腐坏/extreme corruption; wickedness. The deprav­ity of

Caligula's behavior came to sicken even those who had willingly participated in

his earlier, comparatively inno­cent orgies.

deprecate V./抗议;蔑视/express disapproval of; protest against; belit­tle. A firm

believer in old-fashioned courtesy, Miss Post deprecated the modern tendency to

address new acquain­tances by their first names. deprecatory,ADJ.

depreciate V./折旧/lessen in value. If you neglect this property, it will


depredation N./掠夺/plundering. After the depredations of the invaders, the

people were penniless.

deranged ADJ./不理智/insane. He had to be institutionalized because he was


derelict ADJ./遗弃的;废弃的/abandoned; negligent. The derelict craft was a menace

to navigation. Whoever abandoned it in the mid­dle of the harbor was derelict in

living up to his responsibili­ties as a boat owner. also N.

deride V./打趣;取消/ridicule; make fun of. The critics derided his pre­tentious

dialogue and refused to consider his play seri­ously. derision, N.

derivative ADJ./派生的/unoriginal; derived from another source. Although her

early poetry was clearly derivative in nature,the critics thought she had

promise and eventually would find her own voice.

dermatologist N./皮肤病专家/one who studies the skin and its diseases. I advise

you to consult a dermatologist about your acne.



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