

来源: 易伯华教育




In my four years of studying in Singapore,my English Drama Club changed me the most.Passionate about drama, I joined the club in my very first year. I was extremely shy in front of the older students who had been acting since a young age and excelled in English. I still remember the first time we all sat in a circle and introduced ourselves; I wished that my turn would never come. After saying my name and grade, I apologized for my clumsy English. As I lowered my head with a hesitating “err” sound, not sure of moving on or just ending it there,I was struck by a wave of claps. To my surprise, the seniors who I esteemed the most were smiling and clapping for me, and I blushed.One day before the club session started, Farah, the president, saw me coming in and called me over. Then she said the following that moved me so deeply: u Sherry! You know what, I love you. You are so brave. I really admire your courage and determination, and I love that passion of yours. Really, ruinasha.com,I want to tell you that you are doing just fine! Don ’ t feel embarrassed or anything! We all love you, so just ask for help if you need any. ” Farah crushed the last wall to my perseverance and all the sunshine poured in like a warm flood. How could I not be stunned? Farah, star of the club! My idol! And she just said that she loved me! The way she said it was so sincere and loving, convincing me that it was by no means an empty encouragement or compliment to make me feel better. But indeed, what she said made me much more confident.In my fourth year, I was happy to see that four junior Chinese scholars had joined the club. It was like a cycle: when I saw the four of them shying away and trying their best as the youngest and most inexperienced of the crowd, I saw my 16-year-old self. So, like what Farah did for me, I encouraged them and offered guidance in any way.During the farewell session at the end of my fourth year, one of them ran up to me, held my hand and asked slowly, “ Are you leaving? ”“Yes,honey.”She bit her lip for a second, “ Erm. • • Can you stay? ”“Awe•” 1 can,1.1,m graduating.”Then she hugged me, “I really, really don’ t want you to go.",,It cost me a life ’ s effort to hold back my tears and hugged her back.I could feel her~how could I not? Every sound of her voice was carrying the kind of emotion that was so familiar to me, so much like my own when I had to see Farah go~~ “I,11 miss you…”My four-year journey in the English Drama Club had completely changed my life. I became more confident, learned important skills, learned to act, and most importantly, became capable of inspiring others. I am also glad, and sure at last, I had become who I wanted to be. 【戏剧是我的生命】 我在新加坡读了四年书,在这四年中,英语戏剧俱乐部的经历对我的影响最大。我十分热爱戏剧,因此第一年在新加坡学习的时候我就加入了这个俱乐部。在那些从小就接触表演并且英文十分流利的高年级同学面前,我表现得非常羞涩。我仍然记得我们第一次围坐在一起进行自我介绍的场景:我希望永远不要轮到我。在说了我的名字和年级之后,我就为我不甚流利的英语道歉。正当我低着头,支支吾吾不知道是该继续还是该就此打住的时候,周围响起了一阵掌声。我惊讶地发现那些高年级学生都在对我微笑,为我鼓掌。我不禁脸红了。在俱乐部活动开始之前的前一天,倶乐部的主席法拉看到我,然后叫住我。紧接着她说了让我无比感动的话:“雪莉I你知道吗,我很喜欢你。你非常勇敢。我真的很敬佩你的勇气和决心,而且我喜欢你对戏剧的热情。真的,你现在做得很好!我们都喜欢你,如果你需要什么帮助尽管跟我们讲。”法拉打破了我心里最后的那点隔阂,阳光涌进我的心房,让我感到无比的温暖。这叫我如何不感到惊异呢?法拉,俱乐部的明星!我的偶像!而她刚刚说她喜欢我!她的话是如此的真切而又充满爱意,让我确信那绝不是空洞的鼓励或是为了让我感觉好一点而对我的恭维。法拉的话真的让我更加自信了。在新加坡读书的第四年,我高兴地看到又有四个中国学生加入了俱乐部。这就像是一个轮回:当我看着他们四个面露羞涩,作为俱乐部最年轻也最缺少经验的成员而尽自已最大的努力,我仿佛看到了16岁的自己。所以就向法拉对我一样,我给了他们最大的鼓励和帮助。在第四年结束时举办的告别会上,他们四个中的一个跑过来握着我的手,缓缓地问我,“你真的要走了吗?”“是的,亲爱的。”她咬了咬嘴唇,“呃…你能留下来吗?”“哦…我没办法。我要毕业了。”紧接着她抱紧我,“我真的,真的不想让你走…”我用尽了全身的力气才忍住眼泪,回抱了她。我和她有着一样的感觉——我怎么会感觉不到呢?她说的每个字中所包含的感情我都明白,那和我必须面对法拉离开的时候是一样的,“我会想你的……”在英语戏剧俱乐部的四年彻底地改变了我的生活。我变得更加自信,学到了重要的技能,学会了表演,并且更重要的是,我学会了如何激励别人。在离开的时候,我高兴地看到我成长为我想要成为的人。【佳文精评】 文章用讲述了英语戏剧俱乐部的社团经历对自己的影响,而这种影响又以传承的方式得以延续。对两个场景的选取和细致描写是全文的一大亮点。这段社团经历对学生的影响主要产生在情感层面,因此学生选取了两个最能表达情感的场景来进行深入描写,对于社团活动的其他经历,如学习表演、学会戏剧相关的技能等等都没有太多提及,这样详略得当的处理让全文的情感主线非常突出。范文的另一大亮点在于学生对自己心理活动的描写。文章中用了很多口语化的情感表达,将读者带入到当时的情境之中,感受学生心中最真实的情感。此外文章的开头段和结尾段都很简洁,但却相互呼应,开头段开门见山,告诉读者英语戏剧俱乐部社团经历对自己影响巨大。结尾段用简洁明了的文字阐释这种影响——让自己成为自己想要成为的人。这种呼应式的开头和结尾让文章显得结构清晰完整,值得借鉴。




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