SAT写作模板句型汇总 无模板不高分


来源: 易伯华教育

SAT写作模板句型汇总 无模板不高分

SAT写作模板句型汇总 无模板不高分


SAT写作模板句型汇总 无模板不高分


SAT写作,即是有好的模板,考生如果不在此基础上进行个性化的加工拓展,不依赖足够的练习,也没办法在50分钟的时间里完成一篇高质量的SAT作文。在这里,王老师给大家一个窍门。SAT写作套路一:表扬作者新SAT要我们写所给文章的作者,是怎么通过这样那样的方式证明自己的观点/说服读者听众的。比如说文章内容是:“喝酒伤身所以应该收税”,那作文就不要写“我觉得喝酒不伤身”、“收税也没用”、“我觉得喝酒确实伤身”等等个人观点,而是写“作者论证得真好以及为什么论证得好”。所以,可以用一些自带评论和表扬词汇句式:“John effectively builds his argument that…”“John skillfully develops his point that…”SAT写作套路二:找到并评论三方面提高Essay这部分的效率,需要我们有备而来。而在准备过程中,王老师总结了三种所向披靡的Analysis,基本可以应对所有所给文章。1. Example and evidence & line of reasoning.1)观点+例子/数据这种是最简单的也基本上会出现的。直接写”In paragraph X, John’s argument that…is supported byconcrete evidence xxx…”“Also, John’s proposal is backed up by similar/famous case studies from…demonstrating the feasibility of his resolution.”2)开头举例子/列数据有些文章观点还没讲,就排了一堆examples/facts/statistics。这种CJ基本直接归到“作者见多识广底蕴深厚值得信任”一栏。“A series of major compromises in history are listed at thebeginning of the passage to inform the audience of relevant background…”“Knowledge of key events in the past brings credibility toJohn’s discussion of…”“The description of the accident from an insider’s angle atthe beginning of the passage establishes John’s authority on…”3) Line of reasoning这个基本上是总结作者论证逻辑+逻辑如何流畅、总体多全面、论证多有力。“After the main argument, John acknowledges the oppositeviews that…, then reinforces his point that… by pointing out the shortcomingsof…”这里容易犯的一个错误就是,我们容易总结完“作者写了这个那个这个”之后就收笔了。这样的话,就完全没有evaluate作者的写作逻辑。最重要的就是总结后的评价,也就是“好在哪里”。2. Vivid/Stylistic Language这个点一定可以用,因为被拿出来当阅读文章的作者文笔肯定不会差。不同文章会有不同的修辞手法,重点还是在找出修辞手法后,要写其“好在哪里”,是 “to impress the audience by drawing a vivid picture of theaftermath of…”,还是 “using parallelism to create tension, allowing the audience to feelthe urgency of…”。这些 evaluation才是提分的重点。3. Appeal to the audience’semotion/sense of responsibilityPersuasive speech/article 一般的一个目的是 “call foraction”,而方法无外乎挑起群众的激情或责任感。1)Appeal to emotion(常出现)Fear:如果这么做/不这么做就会发生不好的事;描述一种灾难的普遍性或必然性(疾病传播速度、历史进程中和平和战争的规律…)。总之,make the audience realize that we are vulnerable, so in order tosurvive, we must (well, listen to the speaker)…/we will head into chaos anddestruction unless we (well, listen to the speaker).Pity: 这个比较简单,就是作者一般会描述一个很惨的故事或者场景,让人们心生不忍,于是受感召有所作为。Guilt: 这个和pity有些不同在于,pity是他很惨,但与我无关;guilt是他很惨,正因为我。比如说描述“日系车主被砸卧床五年,就是因为群众不理智爱国”,让人们良心受谴,以后拒绝冲动。2)Appeal to a sense of responsibility这个基本上是“世界会很美好,如果我们这样做”,或者“世界会很糟糕,如果我们不这样做”。标志有:“the future of the country/people/children…”“we are in this together…/xxx is one of us…”还有就是,当作者突然开始用 “you” 来address audience的时候,很可能就是 “talking directly to the audience, reminding them that everyonelistening/reading has an inescapable duty to fulfill”SAT写作套路三:格式 & 第一段三句话听说写作有的时候凭一种感觉,感觉好了便写得十分流畅,感觉不在便写得十分艰难。那么,一个信手拈来的第一段,就格外重要。第一句:情怀Essay通篇都是客观的评价,但评卷人读那么多份难免有些枯燥,所以开头会放一句非评价、貌似深刻的话,试图吸引评卷人注意建立好感。比如一篇讲“遵循历史发展世界又要打仗了但是我们还要追求和平”的文,CJ第一句话会写: “War ends because we stop fighting, but peace lasts because we never give up fighting for it.”将读者的main message用自己的话说出来,能让考官从第一句话就觉得“这篇文章,学生看懂了”,还能多蹭点字数。或者一篇讲“工业革命的后果”、偏论证的文章,第一句可以写 “Men have manufactured their own apocalypse.”总之,不要多想,直接凭读完文章的大体感觉写一句话就好。第二句:作者出处阅读文章开头都会给作者姓名、speech/published article的时间地点场合。所以第二句话就是:“President Bush/Professor Schneider/John Wayne spoke to (audience type) at(place/occasion) on (date), addressing the issue of …”“In the New York TimesIssue x, published on 19xx xx xx, Tom Phillips discusses the situation in…”第三句话:概括文章论点、概述写作手法“Phillips effectively builds and presentshis argument that… by providing evidence and examples, using vivid language,and appealing to the audience’s sense of responsibility.”以上三句话写好,基本上一个漂亮的SAT作文introduction就完成了。之后三个写作手法(evidence, language, appeal to xxx)一个一段就可以了。以下分享SAT必备写作模板句型清单SAT写作模板句型之句子结构1) After the author’s presentation of his statistics and facts, he raises more concern about….2) It would be more “genuine” and better informing for readers to hear of first hand experiences. The reader of his article begins to wonder how…3) The author begins by clearly laying out the raw statistics from a census produced by … to show … In an attempt to point out these (adj.) facts, the author goes on to discuss the context of …4) The author uses the truth, backed by reliable sources, to infiltrate the readers’ independent mind. His thoroughness in this regard carefully builds his argument against / supporting …, and this is just one of the many ways he spreads his opposition/opinion.5) Examples and statistical presentations initially draw interest from readers. The author begins with a census from year … and year … that reveals ….6) The author’s statistics cited throughout the article reinforce his argument and provide a solid base.7) These statistics appeal to the reader’s logic and ensure that they can follow a logical path to support the author. The statistics provide solid evidence that are enhanced by the numbers and cannot be easily argued against.8) The truth in the numbers is undeniable, and the author cites his sources, making the statement much more authentic.ReasoningSAT写作模板句型之说理9) The author’s use of logic occurs throughout his article, but is most prevalent in the beginning.10) The author employs logic, basic reasoning and evidence presentation in order to raise concern, curiosity, and questions from the reader.11) For reasoning, the author purposely uses evidence that is very relative to the common man or woman, especially relative to younger Americans by saying “....”12) The author offers a possible reason for why…13) The cogent chain of reasoning indicates an understanding of…14) The author utilizes logical reasoning to not only expose the paucity of international news feeds, but also convince his audience that it is crucial that news organizations increase the amount of foreign news coverage provided to Americans.Rhetorical skillsSAT写作模板句型之修辞技巧15) The author makes subtle yet efficient use of rhetorical questioning to persuade his audience that natural darkness preservation is essential.16) After presenting the facts using logic, and making connections using reason, the author utilizes rhetoric to place the cherry on the top of his argument. Rhetoric is crucial in an argument because it determines how the reader feels after reading an article.17) The author uses this ironythat …to try to show sb. that this argument is …18) By adjusting his diction (i.e……), the author creates something out of the ordinary.19) Negative words with specifically poor connotations also aid author in his persuasive struggle. “…,” “…,” “…,” and “…” all depict a disparaging tone of annoyance and anger, surely helping the author to spread his message.20) The author starts his article off by recounting a personal story a summer spent on a Minnesota lake... In telling this brief anecdote, The author challenges the audience to remember a time...This anecdote provides a baseline of sorts for readers to find credence with the author’s claims.21) The author’s argument is also furthered by his use of allusion to art...22) The author’s sarcastic tone throughout the article conveys the conception that…Appealing to emotionSAT写作模板句型之情感调动23) The author is extremely persuasive in his argument when he brings pathos into effect. He uses pathos to appeal to the emotions of the readers. He plays out … by saying “… ” and “ … ” This information is used to show the reader why …24) The author uses pathos and reasoning to persuade readers that … He plays on the readers’ emotions by talking about ….25) The numbers themselves raise a concern in the audiences mind, but may not capture their attention. The author then presents more appealing examples, including… in order to further capture the reader’s attention and raise concern.26) … heightens curiosity for the reader.27) This excerpt creates another claim that leaves the reader wondering if …28) This strategy is definitively an appeal to pathos, forcing the audience to directly face an emotionally-charged inquiry that will surely spur some kind of response. By doing this, the author develops his argument, adding guttural power to the idea that the issue of ….29) The author’s patriotic asides in the first and final paragraphs appeal to the audience’s emotions and self-interests.附SAT写作的评分标准:与数学语法阅读等还要做分数转换不同,写作的算分简单直接。新SAT写作是单独计分制,满分是8/8/8,最低分是2/2/2;三个维度Reading, Analysis,和Writing的分数各为1-4分;有两位考官评分,然后将2个考官的每个维度的打分相加,即为2-8分;注意:Essay部分的总分不会将每个维度的分数再次相加汇总。也就是说你的得分是6/7/8的话,一般不说你的成绩是21分。关于SAT的写作如果还有什么问题欢迎随时提问我们的王老师!



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