SAT写作论据之Andrew Carnegie卡内基
Andrew Carnegie卡内基是美国著名钢铁大亨及慈善家,曾于20世纪初成为世界首富。在19世纪末,卡耐基所拥有的钢铁企业是当时世界范围内最大的生铁和焦炭生产者。他自己更被视为人类近代史上的第二富,仅次于洛克菲勒。作为一名慈善家,卡耐基从不吝惜自己拥有的财富,在世界各地兴建图书馆,并购买了大量土地作为国家公园。他临终时曾说:“一个人死的时候如果拥有巨额财富,那就是一种耻辱。”现今的卡内基·梅隆大学便是由他发起创立。
“The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced.”—Andrew Carnegie
【慈善与回馈】Andrew Carnegie,remembered as a millionaire and philanthropist, born to a poor immigration family in United States. His life was a true “start from bottom” story. Believing that the wealthy had an obligation to serve the society, he denoted most of his fortune for education.Carnegie foundation and Carnegie Mellon University were part of his legacy.
He started working as a bobbin boy at the age of 13, and later as a messenger in telegraph office. He did each job to the best of ability and seized every opportunity to learn and make connections,memorizing all of the locations of Pittsburgh’s businesses and the faces of important men. Because of this hard work and quickness, he was soon promoted telegraph operator.
Carnegie grasped every chance to learn.As he was always asked to deliver messages to the theater, he arranged to make these deliveries at night and stayed on to watch plays by Shakespeare and other great playwrights. In what would be a life-long pursuit of knowledge, Carnegie also took advantage of a small library that a local benefactor made available to working boys. His capacity, willingness for hard work, his perseverance, and his alertness soon brought forth opportunities.
Becoming messenger in a telegraph office at age 14, Carnegie eventually caught the attention of Thomas Scott, who was the director of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. By the order of Scott, Carnegie became Scott’s private secretary and personal telegrapher in 1853.
【合作与竞争】Under Scott, he learned all about the railroad industry and later became a superintendent himself. His employment by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company would be vital to his later success. Carnegie learned so much about management,cost control, and stock market during these years and from Scott in particular.
Scott also helped Carnegie with his first investments in manufacturing railway sleeping cars, which were only available because of Carnegie’s close relationship with Scott. From there, he expanded his business and slowly accumulated capital, the basis for his later success. Throughout his later career, Carnegie made use of his close connection to Scott as he established businesses that supplied rails and bridges to the railroad.Carnegie’s subsequent rise was rapid, and in 1859 he succeeded Scott as superintendent of the railroad’s Pittsburgh division.
During one trip to Britain he came to meet steelmakers. Foreseeing the future demand for iron and steel, Carnegie left the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1865 and started managing the Keystone Bridge Company. From about 1872–73, at about age 38, he began concentrating on steel, founding the Carnegie Steel Company. In the 1870s Carnegie’s new company built the first steel plants in the United States to use the new Bessemer steel making process, borrowed from Britain.
【创新与继承】Carnegie’s newly built steel making industry was applied multiple innovations, including detailed cost and production accounting procedures that enabled the company to achieve greater efficiencies than any other manufacturing industry of the time. Any technological innovations that could reduce the cost of making steel were speedily adopted, and in the 1890s Carnegie’s mills introduced the basic open-hearth furnace into American steel making. Carnegie also obtained greater efficiency by purchasing the coke fields and iron-ore deposits that furnished the raw materials for steel making,as well as the ships and railroads that transported these supplies to his mills. The vertical integration thus achieved was another milestone in American manufacturing.
【慈善与回馈】【现实与理想】Carnegie’s philanthropic career began around 1870. He was best known for his gifts of free public library buildings,no doubt influenced by the powerful experience that he once had as a child at the personal library opened by a colonel to working boys each Saturday night.He was a consistent borrower then and a “self-made man” in both his intellectual and cultural development.
Being greatly influenced by his life experience growing as a poor to rich, Carnegie abhorred charity, and instead puts his money to use helping others help themselves. When he retired from business in 1901, he set about in earnest to distribute his fortune and spent his last years as a philanthropist.In his most famous article “Wealth”, written in 1900, outlined what came to be called the Gospel of Wealth, “a man who dies rich dies disgraced.” This doctrine held that a man who accumulates great wealth has a duty to use his surplus wealth for“the improvement of mankind” in philanthropic causes.
Carnegie gave away around $350 million by the time of his death but his legacy continues to influence later generations with the work of Carnegie foundation and other endowments.