SAT语法考试考点 SAT语法
1.We see that anthrology is at the core of both the social sciences and the humanities,as we understand those fields today.(as引导非限制性定语从句,表示正如,必须用逗号与主句隔开;第二,as从句可以在句中,也可以在句首:As we know,SAT and TOEFL are two essentials for university application.)
2.Anthropology has shown us how to live,and like the best anthropologists have done so quietly,not insisting on its own superiority.(错误点,like+名词,这里like是介词,and后面的句子没有主语,介词+名词在句子中只能充当定语或者状语;)
3.Anthropology has shown us how to live,and like the best anthropologist it has done so quietly,not insisting on its own superiority(错误点:like表示类比,必须用逗号与句子隔开:and like the best anthropolotists,it has done so xxxx;类比;)
4.Like/for example,/for instance/such as/from to/including举例子的标点符号:I have many books,like xxx(对的)/I have many books like xxxx(对的)/there are many problems;for example/for instance,xxx(XXX必须是句子)/There are many problems.For example/For instance,xxxx(XXX必须是句子)/There are many problems,such as xxxx(xxx是名词)/there are many problems such as xxxx(xxx是名词)/there are many problems,including xxx(名词)/there are many problems including xxx(名词)/the problems run from xxx to xx/;
回去读:发现与待选的句子结构相似,都是notXXXX but XXX。
6.When we praise the“look”of a film,we usually think that we’re tipping our hats over(=admire)the director.In fact,we are equally admiring the work of the PD.(also/equal平行比较结构)
7.题目要求补充一个从句,从句要表达的是production designer’work is underappreciated---回去看原句子:producing that vision is impossible without the work of a good production designer.----下半句说的是PD的工作很重要,但是题目要求的是说PD的工作被轻视---所以你加的从句与这个主句必须是让步或者转折关系,而且是重要性上的转折---你的选项或者说PD工作不重要,或者说别人的工作非常重要---although many consider a film to be the result of a director’s vision
8.NR was born March 17,1806,in New Orleans,LA.(用基数词来表示日期,可以不用介词)---NR was born on March 17th in 1806 in New Orleans,LA.(都是对的),但是假如换成On March 17th in 1806,NR was born in New Orleans,LA(句式混乱,因为这里的时间和地点共同是来修饰be born这个动作,不用拆开)
10.Inside the hollowed interior lay/laid a small package wrapped in wax paper.(这个句子没有谓语,必须用lay谓语形式,laid是放置的过去时,不符合语义)
11.Based on the four years Behar spent interviewing Esperanze Hernandez,a street peddler in the Mexican town of Mexquitie,the book recounts the tensions Hernandez felt xxxx(逻辑主语必须是书,不能是人)