

来源: 易伯华教育




题干关键词:purpose, effect, or impact (of certain words, phrases, or sentences);tone (of the particular lines or the whole passage)

材料:The Official SAT Study Guide




Questions 1-10 are based on the following passage.This passage is from

Charlotte Brontë, The Professor,originally published in 1857.

No man likes to acknowledge that he has made a mistake in the choice of his

profession, and every man, worthy of the name, will row long against wind and tide before he

allows himself to cry out, “I am baffled!” and submits to be floated passively

back to land. From the first week of my residence in X—felt my occupation

irksome. The thing itself—the work of copying and translating business-letters—

was a dry and tedious task enough, but had that been all, I should long have

borne with the nuisance; I am not of an impatient nature, and influenced by the

double desire of getting my living and justifying to myself and others the

resolution I had taken to become a tradesman, I should have endured in silence

the rust and cramp of my best faculties; I should not have whispered, even

inwardly, that I longed for liberty; I should have pent in every sigh by which

my heart might have ventured to intimate its distress under the closeness,

smoke, monotony, and joyless tumult of Bigben Close, and its panting desire for

freer and fresher scenes; I should have set up the image of Duty, the fetish of

Perseverance, in my small bedroom at Mrs. King’s lodgings, and they two should have been my household gods, from which my darling, my

cherished-in-secret, Imagination, the tender and the mighty, should never, either by softness or strength, have

severed me. But this was not all; the antipathy which had sprung up between myself and my employer

striking deeper root and spreading denser shade daily, excluded me from every glimpse of the

sunshine of life; and I began to feel like a plant growing in humid darkness out of the slimy walls of a


4. The references to “shade” and “darkness” at the end of the first


paragraph mainly have which effect?

A) They evoke the narrator’s sense of dismay.

B) They reflect the narrator’s sinister thoughts.

C) They capture the narrator’s fear of confinement.

D) They reveal the narrator’s longing for rest.

答案: A

答案解析: 本题问的是文章第一段结尾使用 “shade” 和 “darkness”


“shade” 和 “darkness” 具体位置Lines 27-33,作者说自己和雇主之间产生的憎恶越来越深,像密集的 “shade”

每天蔓延,让自己不见天日,觉得自己像长在潮湿的 “darkness”




C选项说是抓住了叙述者对这种监禁的恐惧。结合本段的其它措辞,如:irksome, tedious, borne with, nuisance,


D选项说是揭示了叙述者对休息的渴望。作者用了很多 “I should have…” 来传达自己的行为或想法,例如: “I should have

endured in silence the rust and cramp of my best faculties” (Lines



baffle: ['bæf(ə)l] vt. 使…困惑;使…受挫折 | n. 挡板;困惑

irksome: ['ɜːks(ə)m] adj. 令人厌烦的,讨厌的;令人厌恶的

tedious: ['tiːdɪəs] adj. 沉闷的;冗长乏味的

nuisance: ['njuːs(ə)ns] n. 讨厌的人;损害;麻烦事;讨厌的东西

antipathy: [æn'tɪpəθɪ] n. 反感;厌恶;憎恶;不相容

glimpse: [glɪm(p)s] n. 一瞥,一看 | v. 瞥见

slimy: ['slaɪmɪ] adj. 黏滑的;泥泞的;谄媚的,虚伪的



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