

来源: 易伯华教育





1. 2010.1 / S6. 2

The chair of the school board announced a plan to build two new elementary

schools during an interview with a local news reporter.

(A) The chair of the school board announced a plan to build two new

elementary schools during an interview with a local news reporter.

(B) The chair of the school board announced that two new elementary schools

were planned to be built during an interview with a local news reporter.

(C) The chair of the school board, during an interview with a local news

reporter, announced a plan building two new elementary schools.

(D) During an interview with a local news reporter, the chair of the school

board announcing a plan to build two new elementary schools.

(E) During an interview with a local news reporter, the chair of the school

board announced a plan to build two new elementary schools.



,C选项则是犯了plan doing的搭配错误,而D选项是整个句子缺乏动词(Sentence fragment),


2. 2011. 1/ S10. 1

When I asked which of the children was his daughter, he pointed to a little

girl feeding a duck in a blue dress.

(A) feeding a duck in a blue dress

(B) feeding a duck and was in a blue dress

(C) feeding a duck, she was in a blue dress

(D) in a blue dress who was feeding a duck

(E) in a blue dress, she was feeding a duck

当同学们看见这句的题干(a duck in a blue


a blue dress放错位置了,引起逻辑的谬误。值得解释的是,B选项表达麻烦,而且连词前后的动词不平行,C和E分别都是RUN-ON


3. 2009.1/ S 10. 10

When we were cleaning the garage, my sister and I found the old soccer ball

in a dark corner we used to play with when we were young.

(A) the old soccer ball in a dark corner we used to play with when were


(B) in a dark corner from when we were young the old soccer ball we played


(C) in a dark corner the old soccer ball we used to play with when we were


(D) the old soccer ball in a dark corner, we used to play with it when we

were young

(E) the old soccer ball, having played with it when we were young, in a

dark corner


played)导致了句意变成了“我们儿时玩的角落”(play with



4. 2008.1/ S7. 3

Chad wore his hat just as his favorite old movie stars did when perched on

the back of his head.

(A) Chad wore his hat just as his favorite old movie stars did when perched

on the back of his head.

(B) Chad wore his hat perched on the back of his head, just as his favorite

old movie stars did.

(C) Chad’s favorite old movie stars wore their hat perched on the back of

their heads, Chad did too.

(D) Perched on the back of his head, Chad wore his hat just as his favorite

old move stars did.

(E) Just as his favorite old movie stars did, perching their hats on the

backs of their head, as did Chad.


有“栖息于,坐落”的意思,这里即为简单的“置于”的意思。原句中,perched的逻辑主语为Chad, 即解释为当Chad


符合此要求的只有B选项(wore his hat perched on the back of his head). C选项则是RUN-ON SENTENCE,


5. 06.5 /S6. 9

Professor Brand, who enjoys welcoming international students to her home on

Thanksgiving, served the traditional turkey dressed in Pilgrim clothing.

(A) served the traditional turkey dressed in Pilgrim clothing

(B) Served the traditional turkey, dressing in Pilgrim clothing

(C) Serving the traditional turkey and dressed in Pilgrim clothing

(D) Dressed in Pilgrim clothing to serve the traditional turkey

(E) Dressed in Pilgrim clothing and the traditional turkey was served


Brand, 他在感恩节穿着香客服欢迎各国学生,为他们端上火鸡(serve在此处表示“提供,端上”,而并非为火鸡服务)。因此正确选项为D.

B选项的dressing用法错误,应为dressed, C选项没有动词,E选项引入被动态,前后不工整。


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