

来源: 易伯华教育



Critical ReadingSelect an Answer

I have already observed that, from their origin, thesovereignty of the people

was the fundamentalprinciple of the greater number of British colonies


At the present day the principle of the sovereignty of the people has

acquired, in the UnitedStates, all the practical development which the

imagination can conceive. It is unencumberedby those fictions which have been

thrown over it in other countries, and it appears in everypossible form

according to the exigency of the occasion. Sometimes the laws are made by

thepeople in a body, as at Athens; and sometimes its representatives, chosen by

universalsuffrage, transact business in its name, and almost under its immediate


In some countries a power exists which, though it is in a degree foreign to

the social body, directs it, and forces it to pursue a certain track. In others

the ruling force is divided, beingpartly within and partly without the ranks of

the people. But nothing of the kind is to be seen inthe United States; there

society governs itself for itself. All power centres in its bosom; andscarcely

an individual is to be meet with who would venture to conceive, or, still less,

toexpress, the idea of seeking it elsewhere. The nation participates in the

making of its law by thechoice of its legistlators, and in the execution of them


by the choice of the agents of theexecutive government; it may almost be said to

govern itself, so feeble and so restricted isthe share left to the

administration, so little do the authorities forget their popular origin andthe

power from which they emanate.

In the passage, Tocqueville presents himself as someone who is well

acquainted with _____

A.ancient literature.

B.administrative policy.

C.popular opinion. proceedings.



Choice C is the best answer. In the third paragraph, Tocqueville suggests

that he knows enough abou官方真题Officialpular opinion to speak generally for the people

ofthe United States, asserting that almost nobody inthe United States would ever

think of seeking a different political stucture.




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