SAT写作素材之Michael Jordan


来源: 易伯华教育

SAT写作素材之Michael Jordan


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The God in Youth: Michael Jordan

There were already signs that he had a good deal of talent. Harvest Smith, a

classmate and close friend who in those days played basketball with him

practically every day, thought he was the best player on their ninth-grade team

— he was small, but he was every quick. “You’d see him get a shot off, and you’d

wonder how he did it, because he wasn’t that bit,” Smith said, “but it was the

quickness. The only question was how big he was going to be — and how far up he

would take his skill level.”

The summer after ninth grade, Jordan and Smith both went to Pop Herring’s

basketball camp. Neither of them had yet come into his body, and almost all of

the varsity players, two and sometimes three years older, seemed infinitely

stronger at that moment when a year or two in physical development can make all

the difference. In Smith’s mind there was no doubt which of the two of them was

the better player—it was Michael by far. But on the day the varsity cuts were

announced — it was the big day of the year, for they had all known for weeks

when the list would be posted — he and Roy Smith had gone to the Laney gym.

Smith’s name was on it, Michael’s was not.

It was the worst day of Jordan’s young life. The list was alphabetical, so he

focused on where the Js should be, and it wasn’t there, and he kept reading and

rereading the list, hoping somehow that he had missed it, or that the

alphabetical listing had been done incorrectly. That day he went home by himself

SAT写作素材之Michael Jordan

and went to his room and cried. Smith understood what was happening — Michael,

he knew, never wanted you to see him when he was hurt.

“We knew Michael was good,” Fred Lynch, the Laney assistant coach, said

later, “but we wanted him to play more and we thought the jayvee was better for

him.” He easily became the best player on the jayvee that year. He simply

dominated the play, and he did it not by size but with quickness. There were

games in which he would score forty points. He was so good, in fact, that the

jayvee games became quite popular. The entire varsity began to come early so

they could watch him play in the jayvee games.

Smith noticed that while Jordan had been wildly competitive before he had

been cut, after the cut he seemed even more competitive than ever, as if

determined that it would never happen again. His coaches noticed it, too. “The

first time I ever saw him, I had no idea who Michael Jordan was. I was helping

to coach the Laney varsity,” said Ron Coley. “We went over to Goldsboro, which

was our big rival, and I entered the gym when the jayvee game was just ending

up. There were nine players on the court just coasting, but there was one kid

playing his heart out. The way he was playing I thought his team was down one

point with two minutes to play. So I looked up at the clock and his team was

down twenty points and there was only one minute to play. It was Michael, and I

quickly learned he was always like that.”

Between the time he was cut and the start of basketball in his junior year,

Jordan grew about four inches. The speed had always been there, and now he was

stronger, and he could dunk .His hands had gotten much bigger, Smith noticed. He

was as driven as ever, the hardest-working player on the team in practice. If he

thought that his teammates were not working hard enough, he would get on them

himself, and on occasion he pushed the coaches to get on them. Suddenly Laney

High had the beginning of a very good basketball team, and its rising star was

Michael Jordan.



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