

来源: 易伯华教育



Critical ReadingSelect an Answer

As the saffron tints and crimson flushes of mornherald the coming day, so the

social and politicaladvancement which woman has already gained bearsthe promise

of the rising of the full-orbed sun ofemancipation. The result will be not to

make homeless happy, but society more holy; yet I do not think the mere

extension of the ballot apanacea for all the ills of our national life. What we

need today is not simply more voters, butbetter voters. Today there are

red-handed men in our republic, who walk unwhipped of justice, who richly

deserve to exchange the ballot of the freeman for the wristlets of the felon;

brutaland cowardly men... More than the changing of institutions we need the

development of anational conscience, and the upbuilding of national character.

Men may boast of thearistocracy of blood, may glory in the aristocracy of

talent, and be proud of the aristocracyof wealth, but there is one aristocracy

which must ever outrank them all, and that is thearistocracy of character; and

it is the women of a country who help to mold its character, andto influence if

not determine its destiny; and in the political future of our nation woman will

nothave done what she could if she does not endeavor to have our republic stand

foremost amongthe nations of the earth, wearing sobriety as a crown and

righteousness as a garment and agirdle. In coming into her political estate

woman will find a mass of illiteracy to be dispelled. Ifknowledge is power,

ignorance is also power. The power that educates wickedness maymanipulate and

dash against the pillars of any state when they are undermined andhoneycombed by


In the passage, the speaker uses imagery associated with a sunrise primarily

in orderto ______

A.suggest that women's desire for voting rights is on the verge of being


B.assert that society's historically biased treatment of women has been


C.illustrate the idea that the struggle for equality for women is only just


D.imply that men will become more enlightened as women advance socially and




Choice A is the best answer. In these lines, the speaker compares women's

previous "social and political advancement" to the "saffron tints and crimson


flushes" in the sky that signal the sun will soon rise, and the "full-orbed sun

of emancipation" to "the coming day." She is suggesting that the progress that

has already occurred will soon be followed by the granting of voting rights and

the emancipation they represent, just as the early signs of sunrise are followed

by a new day.



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