首先我们要知道在SSAT考试中,写作分数不计入总分,但是这并不意味着写作不重要,因为写作成绩会作为院校录取的重要参考,所以在考试之前需要了解考试题型和基本写作技巧。我们需要注意以下几点来增加我们在SSAT考试中的优势。1我们需要提炼写作语言,其实写作考试归根结底还是语言科目的考试,还要考察的是大家对语言的掌控能力,一定要摒弃中式英语,将词汇运用的恰到好处。2其次,我们需要注重一定要审题认真,英语作文考试来说很少有考生会因为跑题而被扣分的。3最后,我们需要注重平时在英文语法和句型的练习,一定不能出现中式的翻译。SSAT考试项目虽然多,但是写作才是所有项目的关键节点,我们必须要加强在学生能力方面的提高,那么在平常的学习过程中,我们需要注意些什么呢。以下的几点,我们需要尽力做好以下几点:学生们一定要多读书。另外,学生们善于归纳、总结。最后,学生们一定要注意例证搜集。我们具体来看一道写作题目:SSAT作文题目主要分为三大类:谚语(proverb)、陈述(statement)及开放性问题(open question)。三类题目举例如下:谚语类举例:Topic: Practice makes perfect.Assignment: Do you agree or disagree with the topic statement? Support your position with one or two specific examples from your own experience, the experience of others, current events, history, or literature.陈述类举例:Topic: Students should wear uniforms to school.Assignment: Do you agree or disagree with the topic statement? Support your position with one or two specific examples from your own experience, the experience of others, current events, history, or literature.开放性问题举例1:If I could visit another city, I would choose…开放性问题举例2:How can we help the elderly in our community?以下是常出现的一些题目,我们一起来看一下:ProverbThe grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.Every cloud has a silver lining.Experience is the best teacher.Actions speak louder than words.Haste makes waste.StatementFree speech on the Internet should be protected at all costs.We learn more from mistakes than from our success.Thanks to technological advances, the world is getting smaller every day.Capital punishment serves no purpose and should be ended.Tougher registrations should be imposed on buying handguns.Open questionHow can we help the elderly in our community?What I value most in life is…Pretend you and your family could go any place you wanted for one day. Where would you go? What would you do?The event that most changed my life was… Explain why.I never felt better than when I…同学们需要注意,虽然ssat的写作时不计入总分的,但是也是作为我们成绩的一部分参考,我们也需要注重这方面的积累,同时这也是我们修炼写作的一个很好的机会。写作不是一天积累的,我们需要明白英文的积累需要不停的付出努力,因为孩子们进入到美国高中之后,需要的和美国本土的高中生一起竞争和学习,所以孩子们一定要注重英文听说读写的各方面的能力,给ssat获得一个有竞争力的分数。