

来源: 易伯华教育



Writing Sample

Questions: I (essay response)

Time: 25 minutes

What is measured. Your essay will be used by admission officers to assess your writing skills.The exercise is not scored by SSAT, but a copy of your essay is forwarded to each school you request as a score recipient.

Directions: Read the following topic carefully.Take a few minutes to think about the topic andorganize your thoughts before you begin writing. Use the scratch paper and pen provided. Be sure that your handwriting is legible and that you stay within the lines and margins.

Sample Topic: It is better to be safe than sorry.

Assignment: Do you agree or disagree with the topic statement?

Support your position with one or two specific examples from personal experience, the experience of others, current events,history, or literature.

Multiple- choice Test

Each question is followed by five answer choices. After you have selected your answer,find the row on the answer sheet numbered the same as the question, and fill in the circle with the same letter as your answer. Each question has only one correct answer.

Reading Comprehension

Questions: 40 (multiple-choice), based on 6-7 reading passages

Time: 40 minutes

What is measured? Your ability to read quickly and to understand what you read.

Directions: Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions (1-3) about it. For each

question, decide on the basis of the passage which one of the choices best answers the question. We had had a consuming desire to see a pony rider; but somehow or other all that passed us streaked by in the night. and so we heard only a whiz and a hail, and the swift phantom was gone.

But now the driver exclaims, "Here he comes!" Every neck is stretched and every eve strained.

Away across the endless dead level of the prairie a black speck appears against the sky. Soon it becomes a horse and rider, rising and falling, sweeping nearer and nearer, and the flutter of hoofs comes faintly to the ear. Another instant a whoop and hurrah from our upper deck, a wave of the rider's hand, but no reply, and man and horse burst past our excited faces and go winging away like a belated fragment or a storm!

1. At the driver's call, the people became more







2. The people waiting to see the pony rider were most probably at a hotel

on a grandstand

on a stagecoach

at a farm

in a theater

3. The land where the people were watching was

flat and treeless

hilly and rocky



cut by deed crevasses

1.Jamee is five years older than Rachel. In 15 years, their combined ages will be 45. How old is Jamie right now?

(A) 5

(B) 10

(C) 20

(D) 25

(E) 45


2.If X+=29. then x=

(A) 41

(B) 27

(C) 17




1. If the average of three numbers is V. If one of the numbers is Z and another is Y, what is the remaining number?

A. ZY -V

B. ZIV-3- Y

C. Z/3 - V- Y

D. 3V-Z- Y

E. V-Z- Y

2.If Steven can mix 20 drinks in 5 minutes, Sue can mix 20 drinks in 10 minutes, and Jack can mix 20 drinks in 15 minutes. how much time will it take all 3 of them working together to mix the 20 drinks?

A. 2 minutes and 44 seconds

B. 2 minutes and 58 seconds

C. 3 minutes and 10 seconds

D. 3 minutes and 26 seconds

E. 4 minutes and 15 seconds

13. If two planes leave the same airport at 1:00 PM, how many miles apart will they be at 3:00 PM if one travels directly north at 150 mph and the other travels direct west at 200 mph?

A. 50 miles

B. 100 miles

C. 500 miles

D. 1.000 miles



易伯华 SSAT考试攻略免费体验课


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