

来源: 易伯华教育





1. 托福独立写作

题目:Do you think it is better for students to have jobs while they are studying in college?


Nowadays, with the rising cost of tuition, more and more students are considering taking on part-time jobs while they are studying in college. Some people may argue that students should focus solely on their studies, while others believe that taking a job while studying can benefit a student in a number of ways. In my view, I believe that it is better for students to have jobs while they are studying in college.

First and foremost, taking a job while studying can help students to develop important skills such as time management, organization, and responsibility. Students who work part time need to balance their work and study commitments, which means they must learn how to manage their time effectively. They also need to be responsible for meeting their work obligations, which can help them to develop a sense of responsibility that will serve them well in their future careers.

In addition to developing important skills, working while studying can also provide students with valuable work experience that can help them to build their resumes and stand out to potential employers in the future. For example, if a student works part time in a field that is related to their desired career, they can gain practical experience and make valuable connections that may help them to land a job after graduation.

Of course, it is important to note that not all students are capable of taking on part-time jobs while studying. Some students may struggle to balance their work and study commitments, and may find that the stress of trying to do both negatively impacts their academic performance. However, for those students who are able to manage their time effectively, I believe that taking a job while studying can be very beneficial.

In conclusion, while some people may argue that students should focus solely on their studies, I believe that taking a job while studying can have numerous benefits. From developing important skills to gaining valuable work experience, working while studying can help students to succeed both academically and professionally.

2. 托福综合写作

题目:The reading passage and the lecture are both about the effects of urbanization on wildlife. The reading passage discusses how urbanization can have a negative impact on wildlife populations, while the lecture provides counterarguments to this view. Summarize the main points made in the reading passage, and then summarize the counterarguments made in the lecture.


In the reading passage, the author argues that urbanization can have a negative impact on wildlife populations. The author notes that as cities grow and natural habitats are destroyed, many animals are forced to relocate to surrounding areas that may not be suitable for their needs. The author goes on to describe how urbanization can lead to a decline in biodiversity, as animals are forced to compete for limited resources in increasingly small and fragmented habitats.

In the lecture, however, the professor provides a number of counterarguments to this view. The professor first notes that many species are able to adapt to city environments and thrive alongside humans. For example, some birds have learned to nest on high-rise buildings, and some animals have even learned to scavenge for food in urban areas. Furthermore, the professor argues that wildlife populations can be sustained in urban areas through conservation efforts. By preserving green spaces and creating wildlife corridors, cities can provide habitat and increased biodiversity for many species.

The professor also argues that urbanization does have some positive effects on wildlife. For example, many city dwellers have become more aware of the importance of conservation efforts and have worked to protect local ecosystems. Additionally, the professor notes that as cities grow, there is a greater demand for green spaces and parks, which can provide critical habitat for many animals.

Overall, while the reading passage argues that urbanization can have a negative impact on wildlife populations, the lecture provides a number of counterarguments to this view. By adapting to city environments, preserving green spaces, and increasing awareness of the importance of conservation efforts, urbanization can actually have some positive effects on wildlife.



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