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Hope the smile could touch the bottom of your heart as well.希望这样的笑容,同样可以触碰你心底最柔软的地方。A special baby一个特殊的宝宝Our story tells about a special baby.我们的故事讲述了一个与众不同的宝宝。人们用special来委婉地形容一个人身体上physically或者脑力上mentally的特殊问题。Congenital amblyopia先天性弱视He suffers from congenital amblyopia,which makes him cannot clearly see things surrounding him.他患有先天性弱视,这使他无法看清楚周围的一切。amblyopia是严重的弱视症,形容一个人视力差我们可以用weak sight。A person with weak sight cannot see far.一个视力不好的人看不远。Unanimated无精打采The baby looked so gloomy and unanimated all the time only because of a blurry and obscure world always around him.因为他眼前只有一篇模糊和茫然,他看上去总是无精打采的样子。Infant glasses宝宝的眼镜Thanks to special infant glasses ,the little baby was finally given the opportunity to see.多亏了一副特殊的眼镜,小宝贝终于可以好好看看这个世界。Saw mom for the first time看见妈妈Look what happened when he was given glasses!He smiled!看,他笑了!Only by touching只能触摸He had never clearly seen his family, and just touched everything with his hands,knowing his father by the feel of his beard and feeling the face of his mother.之前因为看不见,他只能用双手触摸一切,摸爸爸的胡子,抚摸妈妈的脸。Now he sees and smiles他看着,他笑着It must be the happiest smile in the whole world.这就是世上最幸福的笑脸吧!Did it melt your heart.它是否早已把你的心融化!To make it count让生活有意义Maybe we have not suffered something unlucky like this,but we are supposed to cherish things that we used to take for granted,like health and love. 也许我们并不曾遭受这样的伤痛,但我们应该学会珍惜那些看似理所当然的事物,比如健康,比如爱。They are priceless.爱和健康是无价的。