

来源: 易伯华教育




Do you agree or disagree with: Spending time alone is the best way to reduce the stress?是否同意独处是最佳的缓解压力的方式?


Which way would you like to take to improve your health?

Eat more healthy food

Do more exercises

Reduce stress by other ways



1. 参加群体性的体育活动(例证展开)

2. 和朋友们去旅行 (细节展开)


1. strain = stress = pressure n压力

2. feel stressful adj感到压力的

3. be under a pool of pressure v压力很大

4. burn the mid-night oil v开夜车(为工作,学习)

5. work far into the night v 工作到深夜

6. strike a proper balance between rest and work v劳逸结合

7. People always believe that they will be less busy in the future than now,however,they are, sometimes, too occupied to relax for a while. 人们一直以为将来会比现在轻松, 然而,有时候,他们太忙碌,以至于不能稍微放松下。

点评:relax for a while 放松一下

点评:tooto 太而不能

8. A lot of modern people with demanding jobs need a proper way to relieve their pressure caused by tight working scheme. 很多现代人,工作极有挑战性,因此,他们需要一种适当的方式缓解紧张工作引起的压力。

点评:tight working scheme n紧张的工作计划

9. Modern people are now under a pool of pressure ranging from pursuing academic excellence to sustaining the family to developing personal career. 现代人压力很大,压力来自追求学业,赡养家庭,发展事业。

托福词汇:range from v 从到

10. Some people argue that to enjoy the happiness of solitude is the best way to get relaxed. 有人认为享受独处的乐趣是放松的最佳方式。

11. In comparison with being alone, embarking on group physical exercises and travelling with friends deserve more praises in terms of reducing pressure. 对比独处,从事群体性的体育锻炼,和朋友旅行在缓解压力方面更加值得推荐。

词汇:in comparison with adv和对比

点评:in terms of adv在方面

12. is a good stress-reducer v 是缓解压力的有效方式


13. is an effective way to relax one’s body and ease one’s mind 是放松身心的良好方式

14. in this way, one’s circle of friends grows v因此,人的朋友增多了

15. to enjoy the company of intimate friends v享受好友的陪伴

16. add color to one’s dull routine of everyday life v 增加了人们枯燥琐碎生活的乐趣

17. Spending time alone is merely a short-term stress relief. 独处仅仅是短期的缓解方式。

点评:relief n.(痛苦,压力等的)减轻

18. To climb the mountain with a group of like-minded friends over weekends is a superior approach to relax and entertain, which will increase one’s resilience over time. 在周末,和一群志同道合的好友一起爬山是更好的放松娱乐的方式,爬山运动可以增加人的乐观情绪。(例证展开)

点评:increase one’s resilience over time v 随着时间的推移,增加人的乐观情绪。

19. Those who like to spend time alone, to large extent, tend to become socially inadequate and thus fail to establish good interpersonal relationship. 喜欢独处的人,在很大程度上,易于变得社交方面力不从心,也很难建立良好的人脉资源。

点评:tend to become socially inadequate v容易变得社交方面力不从心 (推荐背诵)

20. Although to reduce pressure by being alone sounds appealing to some extent,I still enjoy the company of friends and group stress-reducing approach. 经管独自缓解压力在某种程度上听起来有吸引力,但是我依然喜欢好友的陪伴以及群体性的缓压方式。



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