8月21日托福独立写作真题 - 影响社会的问题,能在有生之年解决吗?


来源: 易伯华教育

8月21日托福独立写作真题 | 影响社会的问题,能在有生之年解决吗?



Do you agree or disagree?

The most important problems affecting our society today could be solved

within our lifetime.

1、We are in an era of numerous challenges and risks, for example, from

natural disasters and changing weather patterns to social conflicts and wars.

Suffering tremendously from those grave challenges, some pessimists assert that

they can hardly be solved in our lifetime. However, I tend to argue



开头段不妨就将下文将要介绍的具体哪些 important problems 做个预告。


* Grave adj. 严峻的

2、For starters, a host of technological advances should give us faith in

tackling those problems. In other words, the advent of many state-of-the-art

technology has made a huge difference, empowering people to mitigate the worst

impacts of current challenging problems. Fewer smog days in China’s major

cities, which primarily result from the widespread use of solar and wind power

generators, are a telling example of this. Moreover, China and other countries

are also utilizing artificial intelligence in sewage treatment, waste

8月21日托福独立写作真题 - 影响社会的问题,能在有生之年解决吗?

utilization and ecological restoration, which protects the environment to a

large extent. It is also reported that with new technological breakthroughs in

greener economy, American government has faith in achieving carbon neutrality by

2060. In this case, environmental pollution problems, one of the most concerning

problems in this era, is being alleviated and will sooner or later be




宽泛的名词到具体的名词的过度,例如本段重点说明科技帮助人们解决环境问题,在例子部分就不再出现科技这个具体的名词, 而是写了solar and wind

power generators, artificial intelligence,new breakthroughs等具体的科技



* a telling example 生动的例子

* carbon neutrality 碳中和 (一个环保的表现)

* Empower 使能够控制局势

3、Technology is also helping us in other aspects, like ensuring equal

access to education. Different from the past, when only the rich and the male

could afford the fees to go to school, modern era has witnessed a dramatic surge

in literacy rates, because people, regardless of their gender and background,

can take various online courses with the proliferation of electronic gadgets and

the Internet. Well equipped with knowledge for various vocations, females and

people from the lower class are able to find jobs with handsome salaries, so the

gender pay gap and the gap between rich and poor populations, which are also

perplexing problems of this century, are gradually closing and can be expected

to be completely eliminated within decades.


* Proliferation 大量涌现的事物

* Eliminate v. 消除

* Close the gap 缩小差距

4、In addition to technology development, the deepening international

communication and collaboration is another plus. Despite the deep-seated

political and economic tensions, the rivals are stepping up the cooperation to

mediate the conflicts among countries. Take the found of the United Nations

after World War II as an example. Wars sweeping the whole world have never

erupted again with the major countries collaborating together. As such

cooperation continues to expand, wars can be expected to be avoided in our





* step up 加强

* mediate the conflicts 缓和矛盾

5、In conclusion, it is safe to anticipate that most problems affecting our

society today can be addressed within our lifetime, and those who hold a

pessimistic view should have confidence in modern technology and international



* it is safe to可以肯定的说



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