viable = able to survive 可行的,可存活的
adjoining = bordering 毗邻的
deteriorate= worsen 恶化
terminate =end, stop 终止,停止
extract = select 抽取
compelling = persuasive, strong 富有说服力的
contemporary 同时期研究人员(语境词汇)
fine-tuning = thoroughly controlled 调整,使有规则,对进行微调
constrain = force 强迫,迫使
thoroughly = carefully 细心地
undoubtedly = certainly 确定地
accomplished = achieved 实现
intermediate = in-between 中间的
reinforce = strengthen 加强
founding = establishment 建立
dwellings = homes 住所
essential to = necessary for 必要的,必须的
mature = fully developed 成熟的
suspected =thought it likely 怀疑
function = purpose 功能,目标
progressively = increasingly 逐步地,前进地
subsequent = later 后续的
vigorously = energetically 热情地
was heightened = increased 加强
prevail = dominate 主导,流行
substantially = largely 相当多地,充分地
initiate = begin 开启
exploit = utilize 使用
abundant=plenty 大量的
proliferation = increase 增加,扩散
attribute = ascribe 归因于
impetus = incentive, stimulus 刺激
paradoxes = contradictions 矛盾
pinpoint = identify precisely 指出,识别
rudimentary = basic 基本的
abolish = end 结束
acquire = obtain 获得
allusion = reference 暗指,提及
heterogeneous = varied 多样的
authenticity = genuineness 真实性
enigmatic = mysterious 神秘的
authoritative = official 官方的
championed = supported 支持
colossal = enormous 大量的
fragile = delicate 脆弱的
comprehensive = thorough 全面的
erect = built 建立