12月21日托福独立写作真题范文 - 要繁华,不要拥堵!


来源: 易伯华教育

12月21日托福独立写作真题范文 | 要繁华,不要拥堵!



“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The government should require drivers to pay a fee to be allowed to drive

on the city streets during the time when there is the greatest amount of




blah blah blah 略


驳斥反方也是为自己的立场加码的论证内容和方式(尤其适用于自己的立场的理由不够多的情况)→ Since the fee is not yet

charged, which is the commonplace in many cities, car owners, without any

hesitation, opt to use their vehicles, and, as a result, there are congested

roads. In addition to the congestion, on those roads, emissions from cars

accumulate and pollute the city, and meanwhile,car collisions are highly likely,

rendering the roads unsafe. Since all of these consequences may be attributed to

the free access, the fee is necessary. ← 先说反面的情况,然后一句话“扭转”过来,就完成了论证 → If the use

of the city streets incurs a fee, none of congestions, pollution and accidents

will be as likely to happen as they are now. For example, the City of Shanghai

changes such a fee, the current irritating and hazardous traffic conditions

would not deteriorate but improve.

The fee may dissuade potential car owners from buying motor vehicles.

Considering the fee, which may be a considerable amount of money and may even

increase to a greater amount, many people are likely toabandon the car

purchasing plan, since they may find drivinguneconomical. Therefore, the fee may

be used, by the municipal government, to put a cap on the surging car


In addition, since the fee would apply during the rush hours of a day, it

12月21日托福独立写作真题范文 - 要繁华,不要拥堵!

helps to enhance a city’s efficiency of transportation and to optimize the use

of city streets. 接下来就是经典的论证展开过程 →

(从fee推导到enhance a city’s efficiency of transportation)blah blah blah 略。

(从fee推导到optimize the use of city streets)blah blah blah 略。


blah blah blah 略推荐阅读:托福写作必备句型汇总!托福写作如何表达水平?12月8日托福独立写作真题范文 | 完胜小学的好办法!12月7日托福独立写作真题范文 | 善有善果,恶得恶报!(下篇)



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