1. general introduction of TOEFL
in the speaking section, we divided it into 2 main tasks: independent tasks and integrated tasks2. independent tasks: task 1;2
Task 1: Personal preference
Questions about a person; place; object; or event and activitiesTask 2: Personal choice
Questions about preference from 2 contrasting behaviors or situations or opinions
答题要点: giving specific examples
3. integrated task - task 3
A reading passage: 75-100 words
--- present a campus related issue
A listening passage: 60-80 words
--- comments on the issue in the listeningA question:
To summarize the speaker’s opinion within the context of the reading passage答题要点:
1.summarize reading
3.2 reasons
4. integrated task - task 4
A reading passage: 75-100 words
--- broadly defines a term, or idea from an academic subjectAn excerpt from a lecture:150-220 words
--- provides examples and specific information to illustrate the term, or idea from an academic subjectCombine and convey:
Important information from the reading passage and the lecture
1.summarize the definition of the academic concept2.state how professor explain the concept5. integrated task - task 5
The listening passage: 180-220 words
--- a conversation about a student-related problem and two possible solutionsDemonstrate and express:
--- demonstrate understanding of the problemexpress an opinion about solving the problem
1.the problem
2.2 solutions
3.your preferred solution
4.your reasons
6. integrated task - task 6
The listening passage: 230-280 words
--- explains a term or concept and gives concrete examples to illustrate it.
Summarize and demonstrate:
Summarize the lecture
Demonstrate understanding of how the examples relate to the overall topic答题要点:
1.summarize the definition of the academic concept
2.state how professor explain the concept.