

来源: 易伯华教育



自纽约事件以来,托尼·斯塔克(小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. 饰)为前所未有的焦虑症所困扰。他疯狂投入钢铁侠升级版的研发,为此废寝忘食,甚至忽略了女友佩珀·波茨(格温妮斯·帕特洛 Gwyneth Paltrow 饰)的感受。



【内容简介】自纽约事件以来,托尼·斯塔克(小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. 饰)为前所未有的焦虑症所困扰。他疯狂投入钢铁侠升级版的研发,为此废寝忘食,甚至忽略了女友佩珀·波茨(格温妮斯·帕特洛 Gwyneth Paltrow 饰)的感受。与此同时,臭名昭著的恐怖头目曼达林(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰)制造了一连串的爆炸袭击事件,托尼当年*忠诚的*镖即在*近的一次袭击中身负重伤。未过多久,托尼、佩珀以及曾与他有过一面之缘的女植物学家玛雅(丽贝卡·豪尔 Rebecca Hall 饰)在家中遭到猛烈的炮火袭击,几乎丧命,而这一切似乎都与22年前那名偶然邂逅的科学家阿尔德里奇·基连(盖·皮尔斯 Guy Pearce 饰)及其终极生物的研究有关。即使有精密先进的铠甲*,也无法排遣发自心底的焦虑。被击碎一切的托尼,如何穿越来自地狱的熊熊烈火……【选段台词】Mandarin: Some people call me a terrorist. I consider myself a teacher. America...Ready for another lesson. In 1864 in Sand Creek, Colorado, The U.S. military waited until the friendly Cheyenne Braves had all gone hunting. Waited to attack and slaughter the families left behind. And claim their land. 39 hours ago, the Ali Al Salem Air Base in Kuwait was attacked. I did that. A quaint military church, filled with wives and children of course. The soliders were out on maneuvers. The "Braves" were away. President Ellis, you continue to resist my attempts to educate you, sir. And now, you''ve missed me again. You know who I am. You don''t know where I am. And you''ll never see me coming....News: And now that we seem to be back, let''s recap some of the frightening developments in this story. American airways were hijacked. The nation remains on high alert. All attempts to find the Mandarin have so far proved unsuccessful.News: Central to my administration''s response to this terrorist event is a newly-minted resource. I know him as Colonel James Rhodes. The American people will soon know him as the Iron Patriot.News: And how is President Ellis responding? By taking the guy they call "War Machine" and giving him a paint job. The same suit but painted red, white, and blue, look at that. And they''ve also renamed him Iron Patriot. You know, just in case the paint was too subtle.Richard: It tested well with focus groups, alright?Tony: I am Iron Patriot.Richard: Listen. War Machine was a little too aggressive, alright. This sends a better message.Tony: So what''s really going on? With Mandarin. Seriously, can we talk about this guy?Richard: It''s classified information, Tony. Okay, there''ve been nine bombings.Tony: Nine...Richard: The public only knows about three. But here''s the thing... nobody can ID a device. There''s no bomb casings.Tony: You know I can help. Just ask. I got a ton of new tech. I got a prehensile suit. I got bomb disposal. Catches explosions mid-air.Richard: When''s the last time you got a good night''s sleep?Tony: Einstein slept three hours a year. Look what he did.Richard: People are concerned about you, Tony. I''m concerned about you.Tony: You gonna come at me like that?Richard: No, look, I''m not trying to be a dic-tator.Erin: Would you mind signing my drawing?Tony: If Richard doesn''t mind. You alright with this, Dick?Richard: Fine with me.Tony: What is your name?Erin: Erin.Tony: By the way, I liked you in "A Christmas Story".Richard: Listen, the Pentagon is scared. After what happened in New York... aliens, come on. They need to look strong. Stopping the Mandarin is a priority, but it''s not - It''s not superhero business. No, it''s not, quite frankly. It''s American business. Are you okay?Tony: I broke the crayon.Boy: Are you okay, Mr. Stark?Richard: Take it easy. Tony...Boy: How did you get out of the wormhole?Richard: Tony , What''d you say?!Tony: Sorry. Have to check on the suit... make sure...Check the heart, check the, check the, is it the brain?Richard: No sign of cardiac anatomy or unusual brain activity.Tony: Okay, so I was poisoned?Richard: My diagnosis is that you''ve experienced a severe anxiety attack.Tony: Me?填写表单, 申请易伯华雅思、托福免费试听课程



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