

来源: 易伯华教育




Some people think that older children should be required to take care of the younger children. Others think that this should be done by parents or other adults. Which one do you prefer?

Decades ago, most Chinese people came from large families, where they grew up with a myriad of brothers and sisters. As a result, the responsibilities of taking care of younger siblings fell onto the shoulder of the elder ones due to poor economic conditions. But now, China has witnessed unprecedented advancementof society, so it seems that parents are not only well-off enough to afford babysitters to attend to their childrenbut also are too engaged to spare time to accompany their kids. Once again, whether older children should be asked to look after younger children is brought onto the table, especially after China has already given up implementing one-child policy. Even though some people deem that adults should take charge, personally, Icontend that it is reasonable to require older children to care for their younger siblings.


Admittedly, children might notbe sufficiently matureto handle various emergency, such as abrupt health problems. Parents have gone through various challenges, so they are capable of helping children in curing the diseases by referencing theircommon sense of looking for the best doctors. However, it is not rare to see parents in modern society work over time and feel exhausted when returning home, so it is also common to see that they are leftmere time and energy to communicate, let alone giving care. In this way, requestingolder children to take care of the younger would be adesirable choice.


Firstoff, allowing older children the experience of seeing after younger sisters and brothers enables elder kids to develop caring personalities. In the process of looking after a younger brother or sisterat home,a child learns to be patient and tolerant to other people, which isof great significancein their future life and work.According to a survey conducted among current workforce, a majority of employers are inclined to recruit employees from extended families rather than nuclear ones, for they have discerned that workers brought up by elder brothers or sisters in big families tend to demonstrate a great level of cooperation ability and communication skills in a team, as a result of which when companies are recruiting staff members, they pay high attention to a job applicant’s collaboration capabilities in a teamaside from his or her qualifications and workingexperience. Afamily environment provides a perfect arena for those children to foster such traits, say patience and tolerance, from an relatively early age. Hence, aiding adults to babysit younger children in the family plays a crucial role in forming older kids’positive characteristics.

On top of that, peer communication and positiverelationship between siblings are conducive to the full development of a younger child. In other words, since older brothers and sisters are just experiencing the same situation not too long ago, they would be acquainted with and thus capable of dealing with younger children’s problems both from school and life, which cannot be achieved by their parents because of generation gaps. For example, Jason, a classmate of mine in high school, always fought with his classmates over some tiny issues. This phenomenon results from the fact thatchildren are more selfish thanbeforeand are reluctant to share. In stark contrast, Mike, another classmates of mine, was taken after by his elder brother from the age of four, who not merely attended to his daily necessities, such as food and play, but also helped Mike with his homework, everyday at home. In turn, Mike was grateful for that.Undoubtedly, Mike got along well with all his classmates, and we could predict logicallythat he would interactsmoothly with his colleagues inhis adulthood.

In a nutshell, taking all the above advantages into consideration, older children are supposed to assistparents in attendingto younger ones. By doing so, not onlythe older children but also theyoungerones will enjoy the benefits arising from it.



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