雅思考试 - 78月口语题库 Part 23


来源: 易伯华教育

雅思考试 | 78月口语题库 Part 23


相关文章:雅思考试 | 7-8月口语题库 Part 1PART 2-3 预测新题Describe a long car journey you went on

You should say:

• where you went

• why you went on the journey by car

• what you did during the journey

And explain how you felt about the journey.

Part 3:


What are some disadvantages of owning a car?

How have cars changed over the past few years?

What do you think cars will look like in the future?

Would you say driving is an essential skill for everyone?

Describe an old person you know and respect.

You should say:

• who the person is

• how you knew his person

• what this person does

And explain why you respect this person.

Part 3:

Taking care of the elderly

What qualities does a person need to take care of old people?

Do you think old people should be taken care of at home?

How can people in the neighborhood help the elderly during an epidemic?

Describe a friend of yours who is a good leader.

You should say:

• who this friend is

• how you two first met

• how others behave towards him or her

And explain why you think he or she is a good leader.

Part 3:


What makes someone a good leader?

What are some differences between male and female leaders?

Is it important for leaders to be decisive?

Have leadership qualities changed much over time?

Describe a time when you got lost in a place you didn’t know about.

You should say:

• where you went

• why you went there

• what you did when you knew you got lost

And explain how you felt when you found that you had got lost.

Part 3: 暂无

Describe a person in your family who you admire.

You should say:

• who this person is

• what this person does

• what you often do together with this person And explain why you admire this person.

Part 3:

Support from family

What kind of support can families provide for their children’s development?

What are some differences between the support from friends and family?

Who do you think are more important, friends or family?

Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution.

You should say:

• where the place is

• when you visited the place

• what kind of pollution you saw there

And explain how this place was affected and how you feel about it.

Part 3:

What kinds of pollution are serious in your country?

What can individuals do to protect the environment?

Do you think individuals should be responsible for pollution?

Why is there a need to involve government in environmental protection?

Describe a large company that you are interested in.

You should say:

• which company it is

• what kind of business it does

• how you first knew the company

And explain you are interested in this company.

Part 3:

Working in a big company

What’s the difference between big companies and small ones?

Are there many big companies in your country?

What are the good things about working for a big company?

How can a big company grow bigger?

Responsibilities for big companies

Should big companies donate more to charities?

Should big companies be punished more seriously if they break the law?

Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about.

You should say:

• which country/culture it is

• how you first knew the country/culture

• what you would do there

• And explain why you want to know more about the country/culture.

Part 3:

Knowing about a country/culture

What are the different ways to know a culture?

What do you think is the best way?

Do you think reading a book is a better method to know a culture quickly?

From a humanitarian perspective, do you think the internet (globalization) widen or narrow the cultural gap?

Describe a time when you made a mistake.

You should say:

• what the occasion was

• what mistake you made

• why you made the mistake

and explain how you felt after you made the mistake.

Part 3:

Making mistakes

How do you think of children making mistakes?

What are some kinds of bad behavior when it comes to dealing with children’s mistakes?

What kind of mistakes do children usually make at school?

What are some methods that schools can use to educate the students who’ve made mistakes?

Describe a place where you can relax.

You should say:

• where it is

• what the place is like

• how often you go there

• and explain why this place can make you relaxed.

Part 3:


How do people in your country relax?

Is relaxation important to students?

What should employers do to help their employees relax?

Which place is better for relaxing, indoor places or outdoor places?

Describe a program or app in your computer or phone you often use.

You should say:

• what the program/app is

• when you first used it

• what you do with the program/app

• And explain how you feel about using the program/app.

Part 3:


Which phone app is the most popular in your country?

Do you think parents should limit the time that their children spend on the phone?

Do you think people depend too much on phone apps?

Do you think some app will help people to study?

Describe a time when you had dinner with your friends.

You should say:

• who you had the dinner with

• where you went for the dinner

• why you chose to have the dinner at that place and explain how you felt about the dinner you had.

Part 3:

Eating habits

Do Chinese people like to eat at home?

Why do some people like to eat alone?

Are there any disadvantages of eating out?

Describe a time when you needed to wear formal dress.

You should say:

• what the occasion was

• what formal dress you wore

• how other people thought of the clothes you wore

• And explain how you felt about wearing the formal clothes

Part 3:

Do you think people spend too much on formal dressing?

What are some occasions when people need to wear formal dress?

Describe a volunteering experience you have had.

You should say:

• what the experience was about

• where it took place

• why you volunteered

• And explain how you felt about the experience.

Part 3:

What personalities and qualities are required for being a volunteer?

How can companies engaging in volunteering help our society?

Do you think people nowadays should participate more in volunteering?

How does modern technologies assist volunteers and volunteering experiences?

Describe a time when a family member asked for your help.

You should say:

• when it happened

• who asked you for help

• how you helped the person

• And explain how you felt about helping the person.

Part 3: 暂无

PART 2-3 保留题目

Describe a successful small company you know.

You should say:

What the company specializes in

When the company was founded

How the company became successful

And explain how you feel about the company.

Part 3:

Developing a company

What are some companies you know around your living place?

Why are some companies becoming larger while others becoming smaller?

What are some ingredients for a company to be successful?

Successful companies

What are some differences between companies now and 20 years ago?

How important is it for staff in a company to be united?

What are some qualities of a good employer?

Describe a person in the news who you would like to meet.

You should say:

• Who this person is

• What this person does

• How this person appeared in the news

• And explain why you would like to meet this person.

Part 3:

People appearing in the news

What kind of people tend to appear in the news?

Are the people who can appear in the news now different from those in the past?

Could superstars in news bring positive influence to the public?

Reporting news

What are the differences between the news reported in the past and now?

Are stories about celebrities in the news always true?

Would you say people nowadays tend not to believe the news?

Describe a person who taught you something important.

You should say:

• Who this person is

• What this person does

• What this person taught you

• And explain how you felt about the person.

Part 3:

Those who teach

What are the qualities of a good teacher?

What should teachers do to be more popular among students?

Would you say teachers will be replaced by robots?


Which is better, studying alone or with others?

Which age group is better at learning, the young or the elderly?

At what age do you think is the best time for children to go to school?

Describe a family member who you spend most time with.

You should say:

• who the person is

• what this person does

• what you usually do together

And explain why you spend most of the time with him/her.

Part 3:

Living with family members

What are some advantages and disadvantages of living with family members?

Who should take more responsibility for children’s education, fathers or mothers?

Is it true that family members usually live together?

Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future.

You should say:

What the job is

How you knew the job

What the job requires you to do

And explain why you wouldn’t want to do it.

Part 3:

Jobs people wouldn’t want to do

What are some kinds of jobs people wouldn’t like to do?

Is the pay important when it comes to finding a job?

Which is more important for job seekers, high salary or interests?

Changing preferences for work

What are some reasons why there are less and less physically demanding jobs?

How has computers influenced the work we do compared to the past?

Would people choose to work in another city?

Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport.

You should say:

• Where you went

• What kind of transport you used

• What you did during the journey

• And explain why you think it is an enjoyable journey.

Part 3:

Means of transport

Do people in your country like to use public transport?

What are some differences between public transport and private transport?

How has the means of transport changed over the past few years in your country?

Improving the transport

What are some common transport problems facing the government of your city?

What can be done to improve the situation?

Would you say people would drive less if the public transport was free of charge?

Describe a time when an important journey was delayed.

You should say:

• When it happened

• Why the journey was important

• Why it was delayed

• And explain how you felt about the experience.

Part 3:


What mode of transport do you consider the safest?

How do people in your country travel long distance?

How do you think commercial flights can improve?


Where do Chinese people usually go for a trip?

Why do Chinese people like to travel in groups?

What are some disadvantages of traveling on holidays?

Describe a time when the weather prevented your activity.

You should say:

• When it happened

• What you planned to do

• What you did instead

• And explain how you felt about the experience.

Part 3:

Weather in everyday life

What kind of weather do people in your country like?

How do people usually check the weather, and do they often talk about it?

In your country, does the weather often influence people’s arrangements?

Weather influencing human activities

Do Chinese people do different things under different weather conditions?

Can weather have impact on industries, such as fishing or farming?

Would you say pollution has something to do with terrible weather?

Describe a crowded place you have been to.

You should say:

What the place is

When you went there

What you did there

And explain how you felt when you were at that place.

Part 3:

Crowded places

What are some places that are usually crowded in your country?

Why would people still visit those places even if they know they’re crowded?

Why are some cities in your country getting more and more crowded?

Living in a city

Why would people choose to live or work in cities?

What are the features of a well-designed city?

What factors should be considered when planning a city?

Describe a time when you did not tell someone the truth.

You should say:

• when it happened

• what the truth was

• why you did not tell the truth

• And explain how you felt about not telling the person the truth.

Part 3:

Telling a lie

Why do people tell lies?

What should parents do when they’ve found their children are lying?

Do reports on the Internet or newspapers always tell the truth?

White lies

In what circumstances would lying be considered as a polite and impolite thing?

Why do people tell white lies?

Do you think it would be better to tell the truth all the time?

Describe an exciting event you took part in.

You should say:

• when and where the event took place

• who you took part in the even with

• what happened in the event

• and explain why you think it was an exciting event.

Part 3:


What are some things that people will celebrate in your culture?

What things do people usually consider when celebrating something?

Would you say people spend too much money on their birthdays?

How people celebrate things

Are there any differences between how the people and the young celebrate things?

How has the way in which people celebrate things changed over the past few years?

Do people tend to celebrate things at home or outdoors?

Describe a time when you couldn’t use your phone.

You should say:

• When it happened

• What you were doing at that moment

• Why you couldn’t use your phone

• And explain how you felt about the experience.

Part 3:

Cellphone in people’s life

In what situations would people not be allowed to use their phones?

How do you feel about primary school students using their phones?

When do you think is the best time for people to have their own cellphone?

The use of cellphone

How has cellphone changed people’s way of life?

What should parents do to help their children better utilize the cellphone?

Should laws or regulations be set for the use of cellphone?

Describe a time when you enjoyed the beautiful sky.

You should say:

• When you saw the sky

• Where you saw the sky

• What the sky was like back then

And explain how you felt about the sky.

Part 3:

Learning about the sky

Are there courses in schools on learning about the sky?

At what age should people begin to learn something about other planets?

How could the Internet help people to know about other planets?

Observing the sky

Where can people in your country observe the sky?

Is advanced technology useful for star observation?

Is watching stars helpful for improving one’s imagination?

Describe a time when you helped others.

You should say:

• When it happened

• Who you helped

• What you did to help the person

• And explain how you felt about helping the person.

Part 3:

Helping others in real life

In what situations do people usually need help?

Do neighbors in China often help each other?

Should teenagers be encouraged to help the elderly in their neighborhoods?

Providing help

What kind of jobs involve helping others?

Should parents help with their kids’ homework?

In what ways can children help their parents?

Describe an occasion when you lost something and then got it back.

You should say:

• what the occasion was

• what you lost

• how you got it back

• And explain how you felt when you got it back.

Part 3:

Losing something in real life

What kind of things can easily be lost?

Why do people often lose stuffs?

How can people avoid losing things?

Getting things back

What can people do to get their lost things back?

If people lost their cellphones, do they care more about the cellphones themselves or the things stored in the phones?

How can technology help people to get their lost things back?

Describe a time when you were part of a team.

You should say:

• When it took place

• Who you were in a team with

• What you did together

• And explain how you felt about being in a team.

Part 3:


What are some qualities of a good team leader?

Do you think teamwork is important?

What are some activities that involve teamwork?

Teamwork at workplace

Do you think teamwork can influence people’s performance at work?

What can be done in a company to promote teamwork?

Do you think a good leader can help improve a team’s performance?

Describe a time when someone apologized to you.

You should say:

• When it happened

• Who apologized to you

• Why this person apologized to you

• And explain how you felt when you received the apology from that person.

Part 3:

Making an apology

On what occasions do people usually make an apology?

Why do people sometimes feel reluctant to say sorry?

How can you tell whether the person is truly sorry for what he/she has done?

Saying sorry to people

Why would some people still say sorry even if they haven’t done anything wrong?

Should parents teach their children to be polite?

How has the way in which people make an apology changed over the past few years?

Describe a time when you were bored with others.

You should say:

• When it happened

• Who you were with back then

• Why you felt bored

• And explain how you felt about the experience.

Part 3:

Feeling bored at work

What kind of jobs are boring?

Why would people do those jobs even if they know it’s boring?

How can people feel less bored while doing the jobs?

Boredom in everyday life

What things can usually make people feel bored?

Would you say social media has made people’s lives less boring?

Do people living in cities feel less bored than those living in the countryside?

Describe a time when you received an important message through text.

You should say:

• When you received the message

• What the message was about

• Who sent you the message And explain why it was important.

Part 3:

Getting messages

What are some common ways in which people get messages from others?

Why do people sometimes prefer to get messages via phone rather than text?

What are some advantages of texting compared with emails or social media?

Delivering a message

What kind of information couldn’t be delivered by texting?

Would you say texting is more polite than phoning when it comes to delivering a message? Could technology do any harm to communication among people?

Describe a leisure activity you do with your family.

You should say:

• What the activity is

• Who you do this activity with

• Where you do this activity

• And explain how you feel when you do this activity with your family.

Part 3:

Leisure activity

What kind of leisure activities are popular in your country?

What are some differences between the activities popular among the young and the elderly?

Is it true that men and women like different leisure activities?

Work and life

Do people in your country have enough time for leisure?

How can people achieve a balance between work and life?

Why are leisure activities important?

Describe a time when you played an indoor game with others.

You should say:

• What the indoor game was

• Who you played it with

• Where you played the game

• And explain how you felt about the indoor game.

Part 3:

Indoor games

What kind of indoor games are popular in your country?

Would you say it’s a waste of time to play computer games?

Which ones are better for children, indoor games or outdoor games?

Games involving teamwork

What are some qualities of a good team leader?

Do you think teamwork is important?

What can be done to encourage people to do more outdoor games?

Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.

You should say:

• What the animal was

• When you saw it

• What the animal was doing

• And explain why you think it was interesting.

Part 3:

The existence of animals

What’s the importance of the existence of animals?

Should humans co-exist with animals?

Who should be responsible for the extinction of wild animals?

Animals and pets

What kinds of animals do Chinese people like, and what about the people in the countryside?

Why do people like to raise pets?

Are there any disadvantages of raising a pet?

Describe a day you remember well because something special happened.

You should say:

• When it took place

• Who you were with

• What special thing happened

• And explain why you remember the day so well.

Part 3:

Remembering things

What kind of things could help people better remember things?

Do you think technology is going to help people to better remember things happened in the past?

Why do some people forget things?

Having a good memory

Are children usually better at remembering things than adults?

Should people remember their bad experiences?

Is having a good memory a natural gift or could it be trained later in people’s life?

Describe a performance you enjoyed watching.

You should say:

• When you watched it

• Who gave the performance

• What the performance was about

• And explain how you felt about the performance.

Part 3:

Traditional performances

Are there many cultural performances in your country?

Why different regions have different local cultures?

How can traditional performances help children to learn cultures?

Promoting cultures

Do you think TV and the Internet can help promote the performance about cultures?

How can performances about cultures help children?

What can governments do to help more people learn traditional cultures?

Describe an ideal/perfect house you’d like to live in.

You should say:

• Where the house would be located

• What it would be like

• When you would want to live there

• and explain why it would be ideal/perfect to you.

Part 3:

Various places to live

What kind of accommodation enjoys most popularity in your country?

What are the differences between the houses people lived in the past and now?

What are some differences between living in tall buildings and in short buildings?

Importance of having a house

Is it important for people to own a house or a flat?

Why do people refer to rent a place even if they can afford a house?

Would you live in an ugly house with lots of facilities around or a beautiful place without any facilities?

Houses in the future

What do you think the houses will be like in the future?

What are some advantages and disadvantages of using technologies in a house?Describe a person in the news who you would like to meet.

You should say:

• Who this person is

• What this person does

• How this person appeared in the news

• And explain why you would like to meet this person.

Part 3:

People appearing in the news

What kind of people tend to appear in the news?

Are the people who can appear in the news now different from those in the past?

Could superstars in news bring positive influence to the public?

Reporting news

What are the differences between the news reported in the past and now?

Are stories about celebrities in the news always true?

Would you say people nowadays tend not to believe the news?

Describe a public building you would like to visit.

You should say:

• Where it is

• What it is like

• Who you would like to visit with

• And explain why you would like to visit this building

Part 3:

Public buildings

Do you think public buildings should offer free admission?

What kind of buildings can attract people to visit?

What factors need to be considered when it comes to constructing a building?

Protecting buildings

Should governments spend money on protecting old buildings?

Should the money be spent on maintaining old buildings or on building new ones?

Is it necessary for governments to build public buildings?

Describe a change that can improve your local area.

You should say:

• What the change is

• How can the change be made

• What problems it might have

• And explain why you think the change can improve your local area.

Part 3:

Changes around living places

What are some changes that have taken place around where you live?

What changes do you think would influence the people where you live the most?

Do people always like to see changes in their living places?

Living in a community

Do people in your country like to live in a community?

What do people usually do together in a community?

What can be done to improve people’s sense of community?

Describe an article about health you read from a magazine or on the Internet.

You should say:

• When you read it

• Where you read it

• What the article was about

• And explain how you felt about the article.

Part 3:

Keeping healthy

How do Chinese people keep healthy?

How do teachers at school teach students to keep healthy?

Is it more or less difficult to keep healthy compared to the past?

Getting information about health

How has technology changed the way that people keep healthy?

Would you say using too much technology can influence people’s health?

How should governments manage public information (about health)?

Describe a time when you received a piece of advice on your study or work.

You should say:

• what the occasion was

• who gave you the advice

• why the person gave you the advice

• And explain how you felt about after you were given the advice.

Part 3:

Choosing a job

What kind of jobs or majors are popular in your country?

Why do some people keep changing their jobs?

Why would people have a hard time choosing the industry they want to work in?

Career prospects

Do you think young people like making long-term career plans?

What factors should a person consider when choosing a career?

How can people get advice on what they do (major/work)?

Describe a new practical skill you learned that you think is important.

You should say:

• What the skill is

• Who taught you the skill

• How you learned it

• And explain why you think the skill is important.

Part 3:

Learning a skill

What kind of skills should children get before going to school?

What about the skills children should learn before they step into adulthood?

What are some differences between the skills taught by parents and teachers?

Skills in daily life

Which skill is more practical for young people, driving skill or cooking skill?

Have the skills learned by people changed over the past few years?

How can people be motivated to learn skills?

Describe a goal you set that you tried your best to achieve.

You should say:

• What the goal was

• Why you set it

• How you achieved it

• And explain how you felt when you achieved it.

Part 3:

Setting a goal

What are some common goals that people set in their life?

Would you say that the goals people set change as they grow old?

Why is it necessary for people to set a goal?

Achieving a goal

What are some problems when people try to achieve their goals?

How can technology help people better achieve their goals?

Is it a good idea for children to set goals when they are very young?

Describe something you bought that was difficult to use in the beginning.

You should say:

• What it was

• Why you bought it

• How difficult it was to use at first

• And explain how you felt about the thing you bought.

Part 3:

Using a new product

What are some things that are hard to use at first?

Do you think it’s important for a product to have instructions on how to use them?

Do young people and the elderly hold different attitudes towards a new product?

Advertisements about products

Would you say advertisements have an impact on costumers when they choose to buy something?

Do you think advertisements should be responsible for the fact that products are not user-friendly?

Do you think advertisements sometimes exaggerate the functions of a product?

Describe a challenge that you met.

You should say:

what the challenge was

how difficult it was

what you did to complete the challenge

and explain how you felt after you completed the challenge.

Part 3:

Taking on a challenge

What are some of the challenges that children often face in their life?

Should parents give kids challenges?

What other challenges should children face other than those about study?

Challenges in sports

What are some of the challenges that people face while doing a sport?

What are the differences between team sports and individual sports?

How can people benefit from challenges?

Describe a popular product made in your region.

You should say:

• What it is

• How it is made

• Where people can buy it

• And explain why it is popular in the region.

Part 3:

Popular products

Are there any products which are popular in foreign countries?

What are the benefits for different regions to have their own special product, like food?

What are some foreign products that are popular in your country?

Products as a specialty

Would you say it would be a pity if a region didn’t have any specialties of its own?

How can a specialty contribute to the region economically?

What are some differences between the specialties in the north and in the south of your country?

Describe a uniform you wear at school or at work.

You should say:

• What the uniform is

• What it looks like

• on what occasions you should wear the uniform

• And explain whether you enjoy wearing the uniform or not.

Part 3:

Wearing uniforms

On what occasions do people need to wear uniforms?

Should companies ask employees’ opinions about the design of the uniform?

Why should students wear uniforms, and are there any disadvantages?

Dressing styles for different people

What are some benefits of employees wearing uniforms at the workplace?

雅思考试 - 78月口语题库 Part 23

Why would schools ask their students to wear school uniforms? Is it a good thing?

What are the differences between the clothes that people wore in the past and now?素材来源:易伯华大学生学习与发展中心如需进一步了解,或有任何相关疑问,欢迎在线咨询留学专家。如果您对自己是否适合留学还有疑虑,欢迎参与国际教育免费评估,以便给您进行准确定位。




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