This winter, we are studying the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) task
of the GMAT. Questions used are all from the Pool of Sample Topics available in
the Official Guide. Be prepared for that some of the questions will look
familiar when you actually take the test.
Now, we will be reading the question:
「Question No. 88」
The following appeared in an ad for a book titled How to Write a Screenplay
for a Movie:
“Writers who want to succeed should try to write film screenplays rather
than books, since the average film tends to make greater profits than does even
a best-selling book. It is true that some books are also made into films.
However, our nation’s film producers are more likely to produce movies based on
original screenplays than to produce films based on books, because in recent
years the films that have sold the most tickets have usually been based on
original screenplays.”
First, 【Point of doubt 1: 常见逻辑疑点:范畴问题】 being a successful writer is not
limited to being able to write works sell; success, in fact, also includes being
well-recognized or renowned, or winning awards. Second, 【Point of doubt 2:
常见逻辑疑点:地点范围问题】 the situation that the market responds favorably to movies based
on original screenplays may happen only in the author’s nation, and, in other
countries, film producers may prefer to make movies adapted from books. Third,
【Point of doubt 3: 常见逻辑疑点:时间范围问题】 the good sales of tickets may be a temporary
situation that is happening only during recent years, and the sales may drop in
the future. The author’s suggestion based on the pessimistic prediction, which
cannot be so sure, is therefore dubious. 【Point of doubt 4: 常见逻辑疑点:cost, sales,
and profits之间关系】 In addition, the author cannot safely assume that having sold
the most tickets guarantees tremendous profitability. Since both the prices and
the costs are unknown, the author cannot be certain about the profits. 【Point of
doubt 5: 常见逻辑疑点:“比较”关系】 Plus, although those films have sold the largest number
of tickets, the number is not necessarily a large number; instead, it may be a
moderate or even small number that is just larger than other numbers. 【Point of
doubt 7:】 Another point of doubt of the argument is that the greater profits may
not be solely attributed to the screenplays on which the films are based
although the average film tends to make greater profits than does even a
best-selling book. There may be other contributing factors. For example, a good
cast could also make a film financially successful. 【Point of doubt 8:】 If
writers write screenplays with the intent that the production will make money,
the screenplays may be abandoned by the producers, because the producers’
selection of screenplays may be based on the quality rather than the financial
potential of the stories.
(The body of this essay is 273 words in length.)