

来源: 易伯华教育






People who have a high EQ can handle anger much better than those who don’t.

An emotionally intelligent person will be able to challenge the thoughts that

trigger the surges of anger. Timing matters; the earlier in the anger cycle, the

more effective. Emotionally intelligent people have a better grip on their

emotions. They are more capable of managing their emotions. By identifying how

they feel, why they feel this way, they can control the way they react in a

given situation.

One of the key skills of anger control was monitoring their feelings,

becoming aware of their body’s sensations, such as muscle tensing. Anger

management is a very important part in having a high EQ, being able to reason

rather than acting on impulses.


There are 10 habits of high EQ people:

1. Label their feelings, rather than labeling people or situations.

2. Distinguish between thoughts and feelings.

3. Take responsibility for their feelings.

4. Use their feelings to help them make decisions.


5. Show respect for other people’s feelings.


It is not difficult to spot a person with a high EQ. They are usually very

talkative, optimistic, funny, and outgoing. Most (if not every) comedians have a

high EQ. Jim Carrey, for instance, has a high EQ. You can tell it by watching

him. He is always making people laugh and always making faces. You almost never

see him in a serious mood (not that being in a serious mood is a bad thing).

People with high EQ usually come from a family with high EQ. Nobody wants to be

around people with low EQ because it brings them down; the most popular students

are usually the ones that profile a high EQ. Being emotionally intelligent is

great for a person’s personal and social life.


Most emotionally intelligent people are outgoing, talkative, fun, and just a

joy to be around, whereas a person with low EQ is just the opposite. There is no

question emotionally intelligent people are more amiable. No one wants to hang

out with a boring person; they want to laugh, to be entertained, to be around

people with a higher EQ. A person’s attitude towards life’s obstacles is

practically a surefire way of identifying whether or not this person is of high

EQ. Optimists are usually the ones with a high EQ, whereas pessimists are

usually lower on the EQ chart.


What is IQ? What is EQ? For decades, lots of emphasis has been put on certain

aspects of intelligence. This intelligence is called IQ (Intelligence Quotient).

IQ includes aspects of mathematics, spatial learning, verbal, logical reasoning,

and memory. This intelligence could predict a significant degree of performances

and some degree of personal and professional success. However, some people with

fabulous IQ scores are doing poorly in their life. They somehow are wasting

their potential by thinking, behaving and communicating in a way that hinders

their chances to success. There is something missing in the success equation.

The missing part in the success equation is EQ or EIQ (Emotional Intelligence




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