

来源: 易伯华教育



雅思 大 作文 高分 范文 分析 今天 我们 来


今天我们来分析一下一篇比较高分的雅思大作文应该满足什么样的标准,那么在知道这些标准的前提下,我们才能更好的去进行学习和练习,让自己在雅思写作的过程当中得到一个比较好的分数。胡老师毕业于爱丁堡大学,剑桥大学,悉尼大学访问学者。教授雅思托福考试,授课时长达到8000小时,学生提分率达到95%。下面让我们来看一篇高分雅思大作文:Some people believed that only the most distinctive students should be rewarded, while some consider that it is more valuable to reward students who make a great progress. Both views are reasonable to some extent, but l think it is better to reward top students.On the one hand, there are a variety of reasons why we should reward students with good improvement. Firstly, if they are rewarded for their efforts, they are encouraged to work harder and achieve higher results. It is because they will find their progress are meaningful and believe that they also can become one of the top students in the future. Secondly, it can help students to keep studying subjects that they are not good at. Their attempts are not ignored so that they won’t feel disappointment for their current low grade.On the other hand, l think only top students should be rewarded. It is obviously that unfairness will be caused. Students who get higher grades definitely made a huge efforts and keep working hard through whole their study. Therefore, they will feel unfair when people who pay less efforts get rewards as them. Moreover, it will reduce motivation for top students if they are not rewarded, especially younger students. They easily get depression when they recognize that their success are ignored. Hence,top students will give up making more efforts.In conclusion, both two types of students should be rewarded, but it is better to praise students with higher grades duo to fairness.有些人认为只有最有特色的学生才应该得到奖励,而有些人则认为奖励有很大进步的学生更有价值。这两种观点在某种程度上都是合理的,但我认为最好奖励优等生。一方面,我们应该奖励成绩好的学生的原因是多方面的。首先,如果他们的努力得到了回报,他们就会被鼓励更加努力地工作,取得更高的成绩。因为他们会发现自己的进步是有意义的,相信自己也能成为的尖子生之一。其次,它可以帮助学生继续学习他们不擅长的科目。他们的努力没有被忽视,这样他们就不会对目前的低分数感到失望。另一方面,我认为只有优等生才应该得到奖励。很明显,不公平会被造成。取得更高成绩的学生肯定付出了巨大的努力,并在整个学习过程中不断努力。因此,当付出较少努力的人得到与他们同样的回报时,他们会感到不公平。此外,如果成绩不好,会降低尖子生的学习动机有奖励的,特别是年轻的学生。当他们意识到自己的成功被忽视时,他们很容易患上抑郁症。因此,优等生会放弃更多的努力。总之,这两种类型的学生都应该得到奖励,但出于公平考虑,最好表扬成绩较高的学生。我们可以看到,在这篇大作文中,题目是叫你讨论,是不是只有最好的学生应该被奖励,那么,另一些人觉得更重要的我们应该去奖励那些有进步的学生。那么他的题目是,一你去讨论两边给你,并且给出你自己的看法。所以同学们在写这篇文章的过程当中,一定要讨论说,为什么有些人觉得最好的学生应该被奖励,而另一些人觉得有最大进步的同学应该被奖励,并且应该表明确表明你的观点,你认为哪一方的同学应该得到奖励?如果同学有雅思学习中的问题,随时咨询老师解答吧。



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