雅思口语Part3高频话题范文:Describe a place that is quiet


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雅思口语Part3高频话题范文:Describe a place that is quiet


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雅思口语part3参考范文:Describe a place that is quiet

1. Are there many quiet places in your city? 你的城市里有许多安静的地方吗?

Well, quite a few. As I know. There are several cosy spa treatment zones

雅思口语Part3高频话题范文:Describe a place that is quiet

where people can take a break from a constant stream of noises, feelings,

thoughts and vibes which don't belong to them. There are botanical gardens and

remote corners of parks which help people slow down, catch a deep breath and set

their minds straight. There are public libraries, museums, art galleries and a

planetarium which help people reboot their brain and unwind. And, of course,

there is a good deal of small quiet cafes which help people rid their minds of

negative and unnecessary thoughts, and just a cup of tea or coffee and a piece

of delicious cake. So, there are quite enough quiet places in my city.

2. Why do people sometimes prefer to be alone? 为什么人们有时更喜欢独处?

Oh, I guess, first of all, because they need to reboot their brain and unwind

from time to time. There is too much noise and communication in people's

everyday lives these days and sometimes all of them need time just for

themselves, time to think about their past actions and behaviour or think

through every action they are about to take, time to discover themselves and

find their own voice. Sometimes people need solitude to improve concentration

and increase productivity or work through problems more effectively cutting off

any dependance on how others can affect their state of mind and decision-making.

I guess these are the main reasons.

3. Is there much noise around your home? 你家附近有很多噪音吗?

Well, fortunately, 'no' as I live in a very quiet area with quite few people

around. There are no industrial facilities or machinery in my neighbourhood, so

the worst noise around my home is either barking dogs of my neighbours or the

noise from air conditioning equipment. Though, from time to time I can also hear

squealing brakes of passing cars but it is the exception rather than the rule,

thank god.

4. Does this noise affect you in any way? 这种噪音对你有任何影响吗?

Well, I am pretty tolerant to noises and just try to tune out whenever I hear

them. So, noises which I usually hear in my area don't make me nervous or

stressed. Though, there are some kinds of noise I am very sensitive to. I mean

some special noises like scraping chalk or nails on a board or persistent knocks

on the door. They immediately distract my attention from what I am doing and

make me very irritated. I also can't stand loud snoring and intermittent noises

that repeat.

5. How do you think noise in cities could be reduced? 你认为城市里的噪音是如何减少的?

Oh, I guess there is a list of 'noise off solutions and large-scale steps

that could be taken by cities all around the world. One of them is to lower the

speed limit in the inner parts of the city to 40 km/hour. It will not only

provide a quieter atmosphere in the city but also reduce pollution and traffic

accidents. One more important step that should be taken is to pave roads with

noise dampening asphalt, and if it doesn't change the situation significantly

reduce traffic volume in the most crowded areas. I would also offer to plant

'noise buffers' composed of trees and shrubs everywhere and especially in busy

and create quiet areas and zones in parks, squares and other recreational areas

around the city to provide people with special places for relaxation and energy


6. Is there any place that is absolutely quiet? 有什么地方是绝对安静的吗?

Oh, I don't think so, to my regret. I guess it's hard to find havens where

silence still rules. When I try to find one, it always turns out that finding

unsullied locations is more difficult than it might seem 'cause humanity's

noises are always with us in one form or another.

7. Why do some people like to listen to music while they are working?


Well, I think, first of all, because music can deliver much-needed relief on

the job, reduce stress that could compromise their focus and performance, and

pump up their mood. It can also block out the other excessive input that could

overwhelm people especially if they work in an open-plan office and are

surrounded by lots of coworkers. Oh, and it makes repetitive tasks more

enjoyable, which is great for office employees.

8. Why is it difficult to stay in a quiet place? 为什么要呆在一个安静的地方很困难?

Well, 'cause it can be frustrating, first of all. Quietness often makes

people stew on toxic thoughts, which, as a result, can make them feel depressed

and scared. It can also make people feel lonely and vulnerable to their inner

critics. Oh, and it's really dull for most people too.




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