

来源: 易伯华教育






Some people think healthcare should be made free for all people, while others believe that people should pay for healthcare by themselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.有人认为应该实行全民医疗免费,而另一些人认为人们应该为自己的医疗买单,讨论双方的观点,并给出你的观点。

Sample answer:

while many people hold the view that individuals should pay for their own medical healthcare, others,including myself, believe that the

government should offer free national healthcare service(NHS) for all citizens. In this essay I will look both these views with some facts closely


The most important reason for the government to offer free medical service is that free healthcare is one of the basic human rights that we should all have. As citizens of a country ,we all work and pay taxes. In return,taxpayers should be entitled to enjoy NHS, as one of the benefits of paying taxes. In addition when members of society no longer have to worry about paying for their own medical bills ,they will have greater freedom and thus concentrate more on their personal development.Eventually,the overall productivity of the society will be greatly improved.

However, other people disagree and may argue that the state budget is not infinite and the government may not find sufficient funding for the ever increasing demand of the medical system. Therefore, individuals should be responsible to pay for his/her well being.As we all know that people can buy private health insurance,and there are so many insurance companies available in the market.if a man pays his healthcare insurance premium, he won't have to worry much. Once he is sick,the only thing he has to pay is very little,as his insurance will cover the costs.


In conclusion, although many think that people should be privately insured,I think a basic free healthcare system should be offered by the

government as a safety net,particularly for the less privileged and less fortunate ones in our society.(282 words)


1. Some people think that governments should care about their citizens’ diet and health. Others think that people themselves should take

responsibility for their own diets and health. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2014.07.19)

2. Some people think the governments should act to decide how people live in order to make a healthier life. Others think individual should decide their own lifestyle. What do you concern about? Discuss both views and give your opinion. ( 2010.04.17 )





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