5月6日雅思大作文示范写作 - 政府是否应该资助所有艺术家


来源: 易伯华教育

5月6日雅思大作文示范写作 | 政府是否应该资助所有艺术家



Some people think that the government should provide assistance to all kinds of artists, including painters, musicians and poets. However, other people think that this a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(2023/05/06)



People have different views about the funding of artists. While some people are a strong believer in the claim that all artists deserve financial assistance from the government, I can hardly find myself in agreement with such a statement .



Body 1

People who tend to embrace the government funding for art have their own persuasive arguments. Artworks, as is argued by them, contribute to the enrichment of people’s spiritual lives. For instance, paying a visit to a particular museum or going to a concert of a beloved singer play a role in washing away the fatigue in the bustling life. Moreover, arts represent culture, heritage and history, and some of them act as landmarks of the city or a country, which not only serve to educate people but also boost the tourism. Local councils, accordingly, shoulder the responsibility to provide financial support for the creative artists, encouraging them to create masterpieces, without which cities would lose the vitality and become less attractive.



(1) 艺术丰富人们的精神生活;

(2) 艺术是社会文化,历史的一部分,促进经济发展;

5月6日雅思大作文示范写作 - 政府是否应该资助所有艺术家

bustling adj.熙熙攘攘的,忙乱的;

boost v.使增长,推动;

accordingly adv.因此,所以;

masterpieces n.代表作,杰作;

5月6日雅思大作文示范写作 - 政府是否应该资助所有艺术家

vitality n.活力,热情;生机,生命力;

Body 2

Nevertheless, personally, apportioning financial assistance to all artists is ludicrous. The artists themselves, indisputably, are the direct beneficiaries for their pursuit of art and perseverance on their ambitions, be it achieving financial freedom or enjoying crowning glory, which is hardly justifiable for the government to take full onus. Furthermore, the full responsibility engenders a heavy economic load on governments. Given the finite budget, the government should give top priority to fields closely intertwined with people’s livelihood such as perfecting social welfare system, enhancing infrastructure and ironing out ticklish social issues, namely environment deterioration and poverty. Education and technology, two driving forces for a country’s prosperity in contemporary society, also cannot be downplayed. If the government covers assistance to all kinds of artists, the strides of these domains will be stymied because of funding shortfalls, thus impairing overall national strength.



(1) 投身艺术,艺术家自己是最直接的受益体,不管是获取到财富上的自由还是享有至高的荣誉;

(2) 政府资金有限,应该优先考虑人们的基本生活,同时关注教育和科技,保障社会繁荣富强;

apportion vt.分配,分派;

ludicrous adj.滑稽的;荒唐的

beneficiary n.受益者,受惠人;

crowning adj.的;无比的

onus n.责任,义务;

engender v.产生,引起;

give top priority to 优先考虑;

ticklish adj.不安定的,不稳定的;难对付的;

deterioration n.恶化;

stride n.步速;进展,进步;

stymie vt.从中作梗,阻挠;妨碍;


To recapitulate, notwithstanding the boons in subsidizing artists, limited financial resources need to be allotted more rationally with more importance being attached to people’s basic lives and constant prosperity and thriving of the country.


recapitulate vi.概括;重述要点;摘要

notwithstanding prep.虽然,尽管

boon n.裨益,优势,有用的东西;





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